OT_Prayers needed please pray

on 1/9/13 6:18 am, edited 1/9/13 6:20 am

I come to this forum alot & have come to think of you all as friends. Kindred spirits. My fiance's cousin took his life yesterday. Our house of course is filled with tremendous sorrow. He was a young (23) man, kind, decent & had 2 lil boys. My fiance's family all live in New Mexico but we live in Ohio. Financially times are very hard for us as I am still in school so we live on one, small income. He says he doesn't want to go to the funeral, but I think it would help him-but we just can't afford it at all. The stress of this has triggered that old monster to come back-I have been denying the food urges-but just now i had about 2 cups of popcorn. More than I have ever had-and i feel it and feel guilty. I have tried my best during this journey but this stress is triggering fake hunger. I have only eaten a quest protein bar & that popcorn today. Only had a protein bar and some cheese yesterday. My semester starts next week along with my clinical hours and the stress of everything is giving me the shakes. I feel like I haven't slept even though I have and my mind is spinning. I hope I do good at my clinicals next week and can focus better by the time. Seeing my love in so much pain is like a stab to my heart. I believe in the power of prayer and am asking you, my friends, to pray for my family. Thank you so much.

on 1/9/13 6:24 am

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Britt.  I will keep you & everyone affected by this in my thoughts & prayers.

(((HUGS)))  Much love to you & your family.




on 1/9/13 6:31 am

thank you very much dear

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/13 6:34 am - Lower Burrell, PA
I am SO sorry for you and your families loss. Suicide is a terrible thing. I am pre OP and don't really have any advice except to bee kind to yourself as you and your family grieve and heal. I will pray for you hugs sweetie.
on 1/9/13 6:41 am

Oh, condolences!

I am there giving you a big hug.

Take care of yourself. I am trusting that you know how to do that...you have friends here on the boards, and also your sleeve is a friend.

Your fiance and his family are so fortunate to have you -- you obviously love them and will be there for them.


ps -- actually, your post is not off-topic at all...the great challenge that everyone on this board has is in how we respond to the stuff, the good, the bad, and in this case, the unimaginable, that sometimes life hands us. This afternoon we see from you -- and your courage -- how it is a good thing to talk about the stuff that you are going thru, even when it is very painful. Because you were willing to talk about it, you now have lots of support here at your fingertips. You have activated your support network. THAT is a positive thing, and key to the healthy things that we all are striving for here at Obesity Help. Ultimately, this helps those little boys, because you are a part of their support network...

Ultimately, I have always thought that what we are all really yearning for is a little bit of peace, and a little bit of dignity...

You can certainly count on my prayers, my friend...

on 1/9/13 6:48 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

so sorry. You are definitely not eating enough at all esp protein. I know it is hard but you have to take care of yourself so you can be there for him.






on 1/9/13 6:48 am
VSG on 12/28/12

So very sorry. I will pray for all of you. Hold tight, Trust in the Lord. God Bless

on 1/9/13 6:57 am

thank you all for being here. it's truly appreciated.

on 1/9/13 7:24 am - Westborough, MA
VSG on 08/19/13

I know stress. Seems to be my friend as an adult.  There are days where handling it is easy and others where I wonder how I can take another step.  You just do.  But..you need to be mindful of what you eat..so focus on a food journal right now.  Make that the first thing you do before you take a bite of anything!! That's my suggestion anyway.  When I'm in the midst of big stress I try to remind myself of the fact that storms always end..there will be an end to the horrible stress...every day will feel a little bit better...remind yourself of that and all you can do is be there for your fiance and phone calls..they go a long way.  Have him call his aunt or uncle..or his other cousins..parents...talking is a big step towards healing.  They may need to talk too.  You and yours have my heartfelt prayers that you get through this difficult time...God Bless you all.

Highest Wt: 264, band May '05, pre sleeve wt 235, current 189, personal goal 140




on 1/9/13 7:39 am - Vancouver, WA

I went thru this several years ago and it is one of the hardest things ever!!! My prayers are up for you and your family. It is so sad to lose someone so young. I spent my time just trying to help the spouse of his to deal because she was barely functional for weeks. I had to remind her to do basic daily things like take a nice warm bubble bath to help her relax and make food to remind her to eat. So I suggest you do similar things for your boyfriend and yourself as well to help you relax and de-stress. Your BF may not talk but even just sitting next to him or hold his hand so he knows you are there. Maybe keeping busy helping him will keep your hands busy. Plan and prepare some healthy snacks so you have something on hand that will be good for you. Again I am so sorry for anyone who has to go thru this situation, it is heartbreaking for all!


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