1 Year surgiversary! Where are my sleeve sisters/brothers????

Christa :]
on 3/12/13 11:07 pm - MI
VSG on 03/13/12

It's been exactly one year! Ahh my life is back and I love it! I hoped to make my ultimate goal by one year but hey I am so proud! 103lbs gone!!! 5 pant sizes gone! I have 16lbs to go for my goal and I am still working at it. So everyone else that was sleeved last year on March 13th..I want some updates!!! 



on 3/13/13 1:28 am

I wasn't sleeved on March 13th but I just wanted to say congrats on your success so far!!!  Those last 16 pounds might be a bish to take off but keep plugging away & you will get there! kiss




on 3/13/13 2:53 am - MI
VSG on 03/08/12

Congratulations!  Great job. Isn't life just easier now?  Great blessings and a new lease on life.

I wasn't sleeved on March 13th, but on March 8th.  My stats are in my signature.  I still have 40-50 I want to lose, but am so thankful for this whole process and the blessings that have come along through it all.

Keep enjoying the journey!

  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
Lexie 84
on 3/13/13 3:02 am - Washington, DC
VSG on 03/13/12

Hey sleeve sister! It's been a year! WOW! I can't believe it. I'm down about 97lbs, from 226lbs to 129lbs, size 18/20 to size 5/6. I'm looking to loose about 14 more lbs to get to a normal BMI for my height (4'10"). This has been a life changing experience and I am so grateful I made the decision to have surgery. I have about 4 co-workers who had some type of WLS prior to me and I believe it was fate that I was surrounded by them and able to watch their journey as I was starting my own. I would've never looked into surgery had it not been for them. The weight fell off so easily. Now I'm entering maintenance mode, trying to figure out what will keep me stable (If i choose not to get any smaller). It's an everyday process of cautiously making appropriate food choices and making sure to plan. I am a firm believer in this weight loss journey that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I see now that this will be a life long journey. I don't think I will ever feel "normal." I will have to think every day about what I eat. I don't know if my "fat girl" mentality will ever change. That's who I've always been. Making a lifestyle change has not changed who I am and I accept that. I will continue to make myself the vow every day to never go back to my old ways!




on 3/13/13 4:35 am - Dubai, XX
VSG on 03/13/12

Yes,its been one year for me too!I've been at goal for 2 months.Lost 8 pounds suddenly (hard work did it,we moved house 2 weeks ago)I couldnt really sit after the additional 8 as my tailbone was killing me!Decided to gain back 4 and scared the daylights out of myself this week.It took me 4 days to gain back 4 pounds.I have eaten potato and pasta and rice which I havent done in a year.(and one can eat way more of these than you think)

Back to the drawing board for me meaning cutting my carbs way back again.Its too easy to gain with the carbs..lol.

I love life,work like the energizer bunny as I have more energy than anyone around me!

Its still hard to believe I am really this thin!Just love where I am with my weight now and will work super hard on keeping it right here!




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