Six month surgiversary and loving my sleeve!

on 3/24/13 1:42 pm
I am rarely on this site, but found this site to be so helpful when I was researching VSG. I will have to get some before and after pics on here. I have lost 98 pounds since surgery. I can't believe it! I've lost 112 pounds total. My husband has loved me through thick and thin. He is however enjoying me more now that I'm getting thinner. I have seen people post about getting divorces after losing weight, but I have to say that it has only brought my husband and I closer together(literally). I have so much more energy. I am a different person now. I have the energy to help equally with house chores now and look forward to shopping for clothes now. It used to be that when I had to buy clothes, I would try something on and think that it doesn't look too bad on me. Adjusting to the modified diet in the beginning was an adjustmen, but after u were able to eat real food again, it's so normal. Food is no lo ger my life! I eat to live, Instead of live to eat. I haven't been perfect 100% of the time, but allow myself an occasional treat. Exercise 3 times a week a d love the way it makes me feel! If u r thinking about getting this surgery, run, do not walk to do it! It will change your life and extend it. Thank everyone for answering all my questions and reassuring me that I could do this. It great to have people that know what struggles u r going through, because u did the same thing too. Good luck to everyone and remember that being a loser in this case is a great thing.
on 3/24/13 3:17 pm
I am so happy for you. Where did you get your sleeve? Was it hard in the first few weeks? Did insurance pay for yours?
on 3/24/13 9:54 pm
I got my sleeve at st. Mary's hospital in Richmond, va. I was tired of drinking protein shakes by the time that phase was done. I was a little tired in the beginning too. Otherwise, no problems to date. Insurance paid for it all. All I had to pay was $300. Best money I ever spent. Don't worry about the beginning part after surgery, it is such a short bit of time in the whole scheme of things. It is so worth it! My life has changed in many ways I would have never expected already. I still need to lose about 50 more pounds, but u just take 1 day at a time, make good choices and start living life to its fullest. I went dog sledding and snowmobiling last month in Vermont for first time. I would have never done either when I was heavier. Both were so much fun. Made me realize all these fun things that I have been missing out on. Let me know if u have any other questions.
on 3/24/13 3:34 pm

Wow what an inspiring post! Thank you!

these things are exactly the things I'm hoping for with VSG :)

on 3/24/13 8:10 pm

Love your post!

I have to say...since my home life is soooo much happier! I think it's becuase I'm happier!! All my relationships have changed and, like you, for the WAY better!!!

Good for you for working so hard to get where you are today!! I'm just a few weeks ahead of you!!!

What a wonderful journey so far!! Lets keep doing this!!


Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 3/25/13 1:34 am

Your post made me smile! I'm so glad that you are doing so well and its great that the VSG has brought you and your husband closer together. I just got the VSG on Thursday, and a huge motivator was that I want to be healthier for my man! He is an incredible guy, and has been with me thru my 100 pound weight gain, and has never had a negative thing to say to me. I know that my weight gain is a strain on him because I got to the point where I would just crash right after coming home from work, leaving the a large portion of household chores to him. I always felt so guilty, especially since he was always so kind to me about it. I'm so excited to be healthier, sexier, and just AWAKE past 7:30-8pm. I'm 26 years old and I want to live like a healthy 26 year old! 

Thanks for posting! You've encouraged me a lot. Great job on your weight loss! You've rocked it! 


on 3/25/13 2:23 am
VSG on 02/21/13


"The most difficult part of changing how you live and eat is believing that change is possible. It takes a fierce kind of love for yourself."Geneen Roth
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