Extreme PMS/Depression symptoms, post-weight loss.

on 3/29/13 9:33 am - TX

Just looking to see if other females have had this problem. I've spoken at length with my gynecologist and it's common for previously obese women to suffer from more extreme PMS related emotions. It's not that they get worse, it's that we're experiencing them the way they were meant to be. ie, the fatter you are, the less it effects you. The last several months have been excruciating for me. Coupled with a lot of stressful things in my life, "that time of the month" is really throwing me into fits of depression. The not wanting to get out of bed, unending sadness and struggle to feel okay. It's just all-consuming for a week or two every month. As an aside, I have an IUD and have been on it for years. Nothing has changed there. All that's changed is that I am no longer obese.

Anyone with similar experiences who can share some insight or tips on what to do? I'm not against medicating myself (I've had to in the past for my OCD Anxiety). I just want this to stop. It's so awful. 

on 3/29/13 9:41 am - GA

I have PCOS and the pains from a ruptured cyst last week had me in the hospital. Before that, my PMS symptoms had me up and down. Honestly, what you're suffering from sounds more like PMDD than PMS. I had an IUD before my huge weight gain, and that was never the cause of it. I would talk to another doctor and see what they can prescribe you. I'm sorry you're so miserable. I know that's what it is, misery. *HUGS*

Laura- HW:240  SW: 224  GW:165 Surgery date 12/10/12

Winning the battle against obesity and PCOS!


on 3/29/13 12:57 pm - TX

Thank you for the suggestion! I hadn't even thought of PMDD. I'm going to look into it and bring it up to my primary care doc ASAP. 

VSG: 10-13-2011
SW: 287
CW: 178

on 3/29/13 10:49 am - CA
VSG on 11/26/12

Before surgery, I was in perimenopause, so I went off birth control pills, then suffered extreme depression. My gynecologist put me back on birth control pills, and it really helped with my emotions.

After surgery, even when I resumed the pills post-surgery, I went through a period of incredible depression once again. It was horrible for a few weeks, but it has gotten better as I've healed.

It's possible you may adjust to the surge of hormones you're getting. But, I think it would be very smart to consult with your gynecologist and a psychiatrist to see what help they can give you with medicines. There's no need to suffer when medicine can help. Please do get help.

Hang in there, and very best luck!



on 3/29/13 12:56 pm - TX

Exactly, it was REALLY bad those first couple of months post-op. It disappeared for almost a year, so it caught me completely off guard. The way it feels right now is pretty much what it was like immediately post-op. Just insane, unexplainable emotion. I'm thankful for the women here, because they understand. No one else I know in real life can "get it".

VSG: 10-13-2011
SW: 287
CW: 178

on 3/29/13 12:47 pm - FL
VSG on 04/24/12

Mine has been crazy. I have a Mirena IUD and didn't have periods or real PMS symptoms before surgery except some breast tenderness.

Now, it's like I'm a crazy person. I was getting periods every two weeks. Not heavy, just spotty but I get all out PMS symptoms 5 days before and I feel bad because I am exhausted like inexplicable exhaustion. It sucks for the weight loss portion too because I crave salty, can eat more and retain water like you wouldn't believe!

I am in grad school and I spoke to my doctor and he said to wait until this huge time of stress ends before going to see an endocrinologist but it's definitely on my list! I felt my GYN was no help and didn't want to test anything. Very frustrating.

But, yea, maybe go see an endocrinologist. And I totally understand. What makes it even worse is that I put all these expectations on myself like "you're thin now, you should have more energy or you shouldn't want to sleep so much" so that puts me into a worse tailspin.


Keep me updated, please!

on 3/29/13 12:54 pm - TX

That sounds SO much like me. That reassures me, though, that your doctor didn't think it was serious enough to treat immediately. Makes me think it might just pass with enough time/unwinding of all my stressful points in life. Thank you so much! Great suggestions.

VSG: 10-13-2011
SW: 287
CW: 178

on 3/30/13 6:03 am, edited 3/30/13 6:03 am - CA
VSG on 08/21/12

I have dealt with depression post-surgery. I find that exercise and anti-depressants are most effective in getting me out of the hole of sadness and low energy I feel from time to time. Have you talked with a professional about your mood changes? I highly recommend it-- you can get relief.

Height: 5'5"  2 wks pre-op: -15  M1: -20  M2: -18  M3: -12  M4: -13  M5: -8 M6: -10 M7: -2 M8: -10 M9: -4 M10: 0 M11: -3 M12: -3 M13: -14 Start Wt:290 SurgWt:275 (BMI 46) Current Wt:145 (BMI 24) Goal:140 (BMI 23.3)



on 12/26/13 4:45 pm

I went through a period of incredible depression once again. It was horrible for a few weeks, but it has gotten better as I've healed.
Dr. For depression.

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