I am stuck.... 9 months post op and not losing much.

on 5/6/13 12:33 am - WA
VSG on 10/26/12

For losing weight I also had to cut out cheese. It was the only thing left for me to cut out and it turns out the amount of fat was just too much for right now. Might not be true for you, but doesn't hurt to try cutting out some or all of it to see how that affects you. I too have a problem having enough protein servings around that are varied and I at least not hate. It's a lot of work. Try getting frozen fish fillets, they are wrapped and frozen individually so fairly convenient. And yes cut out all the simple carbs. That did wonders for me, got me losing again right away. I grab tiny carrots or other veg instead of crackers for things like hummus. And nuts/seeds--while we benefit from the nutrients, I've read recently to just have a tiny amount each day, like 1 tsp of seeds or 1 oz nuts. The fat is good but might be too much, at least for right now. Hope this helps. Good luck!

VSG 10/26/12 • HEIGHT 5'4"
GW = 140 lbs met Month 9
CW = 133
Loss per Month: 8 >  9 > 7 > SURGERY  > 15 > 10 > 10 > 10 > 7 > 5 > 6
  > 6 > 5 > 5 > 0


It works if you work it; it sorta works if you sorta work it; and it doesn't work if you don't work it.

(deactivated member)
on 5/6/13 1:15 am, edited 5/6/13 1:16 am

Your menu is high in carbs and low in protein.  I would tell you to aim for at least 80 grams of protein and keep your carbs under 40, if possible, under 20.  Keep your calories under 800, way under if possible.  Do this and it will work again.

on 5/6/13 1:42 am - Canada
VSG on 01/25/12

I am going to have to agree with Elina on this one.  What you posted isn't even what I am eating now in maintenance.  My advice is to really lower your carb intake i.e ditch the crackers, the popcorn, etc. and increase our protein by a lot.  Also nuts and seeds are a very calorie fat dense food...I didn't really have them (and certainly not both in one day****il I was in maintenance and even now it's very rare.


Good luck!

SURGERY at Toronto Western Hospital - VSG JANUARY 25th, 2012!!

5'9 - HW - 390 SW - 368.8  GW - 150


Keith L.
on 5/6/13 1:47 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

I am not farther out than you are, but I have lost over 145lbs. Just reading your daily food, I have a couple of thoughts:

- you are not getting enough protein in early, you should try to get 30 grams of protein within 30 mins of waking up. You can't do that with 1/2 egg (that is only 3 grams of protein and you might be gettting another 1 or 2 from the cheese) so you are starting off on protein slow.

- Sunflower seeds and edamame are good choices for you, but soy is not great for women so you should keep it to once or twice a week. Sunflower seeds are very calorically dense so you are using up valuable calories for very little return protein or nutrient wise. Instead try almonds which while they are also calorically dense provide I believe more protein but more importantly some very beneficial fats which are not only good for women but also good for a ketogenic diet.

- refried beans are good for fiber but black beans are better, here again very calorically dense which is not bad but make sure when you choose to eat beans you eat your lean protein first so eat all 3ouze of turkey or chicken before you start with the beans, you will get more bang for your buck this way

I think the rest of your list looks ok to me. There are some on here that say popcorn is not good for use but I have been eating it for a while with not noticable negative effects as long as it fits into my plan.

You don't say how much water or exercise you get, I would bet some changes there would help. Minimum 30 mins of walking every day and at least 100oz of water each day.

I have been fasting once or twice a week for about a month now and I haven't had a stall since. Remember your body gets used to certain things and I try to shake it up about every other week to get the most benefit from my time.

I would say your biggest issue is not enough protein.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 5/6/13 1:51 am - MO

Thanks! I will take all advise and put it to good use. I am ready to change things up and see what happens!

Ginah Clark
on 5/6/13 2:11 am


Although I just had surgery I have been on these boards since 2006. It seems like you have a lot of "slider" foods, or foods that will slide through your stomach without giving you a full feeling. These foods are typically high is simple carbs. 


Also, I see that you have seeds and nuts in your diet- these and coconut are not recommended as it does not digest and breakdown as well as it used to before VSG. You may want to consider adding in fruit or some veggies for added vitamins


(deactivated member)
on 5/6/13 2:31 am

Hi, You've gotten some very good advice already, but I wanted to add my two cents. IT seems that you are wanting very specific help (at least that's the impression I got, so here goes.....)

I will repeat some of what has already been said: Nuts and cheeses are not the best weight loss foods. While they are healthy, they won't help you on your journey to a slimmer, healthier you. What you need is a lot of LEAN, protein dense food and high fiber, green vegetables in your diet. I am 17 months out tomorrow and I don't eat very much differently from my weight loss phase, except a little more and the occasional treat.

I am going to suggest that you start your day with a protein shake or protein coffee. I know you are sick of them, but I think you  need a protein kick in the morning. Next have a high protein mid morning snack or late breakfast. Have 2-3 oz of meat (or something like Morningstar sausages or patties with 1 whole egg). For lunch have 3 oz of protein and a high fiber veggie - broccoli, artichoke, cabbage, asparagus, etc...) with a little healthy fat (olive oil, olive oil based dressing, etc....). You'll need another protein based snack in the afternoon, maybe an ounce of jerky with a little bit of cucumber salad. Then dinner ought to be a repeat of lunch. Then, if you're still low on protein, have another shake in the evening. I ate very much like this and it worked very well for me. Granted, the last months were a push, but it is doable.

Make sure you are continuing to drink plenty of water (at your weight you should still be getting close to 100 oz of water per day). 8 glasses is just a minimum to fend off dehydration. The ideal is drinking half your weight in pounds in ounces each and every day. Not always easy, but a great goal.

Hope you get the answers you are looking for and that your weight loss kicks back in this week!

on 5/6/13 2:44 am - MO

Thanks so much I will try this. I have to be honest I eat little to no veggies except a good spring lettuce salad once a week. I do cook very healthy for my husband but I don't really eat much ****ep track of my food on myfitnesspal and I have around 700- 800 calories a day). So my menu is not a daily one just foods that I have gotten into the habit of eating but I will definitely be rethinking my grocery list.

I do use lots of fresh meats, fish( NO processed meat) and the "good oils".  I was just stuck, and with all this great advise I am so ready to start again. I will keep everyone informed of my progress!!

Thanks again so much!!!!

on 5/7/13 12:31 pm

I am almost exactly where you are..ive lost 62 lbs. in 9 months, with a stall (feels like) every 3 weeks or so.

I was still getting the protein and water..low carbs...doing what i was told...but stall i do.  the stalls are discouraging for sure, but hang in there. Any loss is a good loss! We are all different and will lose at different rates. I have RA in both knees so exercising is painful for me, but i do what i can , when i can.

Don't let other people's successes or criticisms change your plan or lose hope. the people on here know what they are talking about and will help you thru the hard times! Hold on, and good luck!


on 5/7/13 2:57 pm - Northern, CA

There are two causes of stalls this late out.

The first is because we start to slack off a bit. The way to know if you are having this kind is to track everything. If you are logging your food and exercise, you can look over these logs and see what it is you are doing that needs improvement.

The second is the same thing that causes the 3 week stall -- water retention -- and that one you can't really do anything about so you might as well ride it out. But, you can't know if you have one of those "it's just one of those things" if you aren't logging everything.

So the key to navigating stalls is to track! without that, you can be fooling yourself about what you are eating and how much you are exercising because apparently human beings are hired wired to do that. mail

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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