Think you don't have time to excercise? That's time wasted my friend...

on 6/3/13 7:54 pm


I'm speaking from experience. WAIT!!! Don't skip this thread!

If you are rolling your eyes because you are holding out on giving excercise a chance and you don't want to hear are just like I was several weeks ago. If you're absolutely determined NOT to excercise...then fine, MOVE on. But if you're like me and you finally understand how important excercise is in this journey, but you just don't have TIME...then please READ on.

I'm a week shy of 9 months post-op...and down 140#. I had not really incorporated excercise until 3 weeks ago because I REALLY had no time. Up at crack of dawn, full time job, kids sports afterschool, Tend to my mom and my sisters needs, family time and wife/mom duties until 9pm...then crash into an exhausted heap. Most days I didn't even have time to take a good shower...or even catch the weather. I DID make time for coming to OH because that was ( and is) an important part of taking care of me. But excercise...I was losing fine and feeling great without why bother??!!

Finally I just did it.  Weight loss was slowing...I was feeling tired and crappy feeling started creeping up on me. I downloaded some great a nice workout outfit and new sneakers...and hopped on my elliptical. My weight loss took off mood soared...and I'm losing inches. I feel more energetic and I don't have that guilt feeling of "I SHOULD excercise".

How do I find the time? I just DO. It's part of my brushing teeth. for 30's just me and my favorite tunes. Not a mom, wife, daughter, sister or nurse. Just me. I look forward to the escape into my music...I replay my day and put it in its place...sweat my tail off. It feels so awesome.

This week in church...I was able to kneel...on my KNEES!!! The whole time!! No big butt slide onto the pew!!!

Now I look at my hands...and I have VIENS!!!

I'm so glad I finally did it!  33 Lbs to goal! Here I come!

Peace all!


Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 6/3/13 9:15 pm
VSG on 11/21/12

Thank you for this post.  I so needed to read that this morning!  :)


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

on 6/4/13 11:18 am

Hi Nancy!

We're all in this together!!! You are doing great!!!

Go get it girl!!

Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
(deactivated member)
on 6/3/13 10:39 pm
VSG on 06/04/12
I was never one for doing much exercise except for what I did over the course of a normal day. In preparing for this surgery I started walking, just a block or two at a time and then before I knew it I was walking 3 miles. Everyday after work last summer I would walk the 2.8 mile around the city lake. That's when I started to notice all these old people who were there everyday too. By old, I'm talking 80+. There they were.... everyday.... they may be walking slow but they were doing it daily. That's when it hit me, the key to maintaining your health and weight is to move everyday in whatever way you can. I increase my daily walking until last fall when it gets pretty crappy weather wise around here and then I joined a gym.... really, me at a gym? I love my gym, I love working out on the treadmill or elliptical or whatever equipment I feel like for the day. I love to listen over and over to my ABBA tunes because they are perfect for working out. As a result, here I am at goal, getting definition in my muscles, and loving my active lifestyle. Its my ME time and I find the time to do it - its a PRIORITY in my life and one that will be there. It really does come down to having to put yourself first. Bottom line, you can lose your weight without exercise but it's a lot easier to maintain that loss if you have developed some muscle.
on 6/4/13 11:24 am

Hi Karen!

The progression of your excercise awareness was a great reminder. Once we commit to something for the right reasons...not just because we SHOULD...but because we understand the WHY behind the makes our decisions( to live healthy) life long ones. Reading your post about seeing the seniors out walking and how it clicked for you was so real!!!

I LOVE ABBA!! I'm going to download a tune of theirs and when I hear'll make me think of you and your story! It'll give me a great boost!!! Thank You!!!

Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 6/4/13 12:03 am - Atlanta, GA
VSG on 04/03/13

Thank you for this.  I really needed it.  I am 9 weeks out and not motivated to exercise.  I did dust the treadmill and bowflex off yesterday so I'm 1 step closer to start working out.  I know once I start I will be able to continue.  It's just getting started that's the problem. 


 Surgery date - 04/03/13; Goal date - 11/10/13 (I reached goal in 31 weeks & 4 days)

Highest weight 261  SW 258  GW 150   M1 -26  M2 -14  M3 -10  M4 -12  M5 -13  M6 -12  M7 -11  M8 -10  In maintenance since November 2013  HT- 5'6"  

on 6/4/13 11:26 am

Great! You've taken the first step and dusted it off!

Next...just put your sneakers on. Once they are on....see what happens!!

You are going to do this

You go girl!!

Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 6/4/13 12:51 am
VSG on 04/10/13

Yeah!  Thank you for posting.  It gave me motivation to keep going. 

on 6/4/13 11:27 am

Keep at it Melody!

One workout at a time!! Whoot!! Whoot!!

Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
(deactivated member)
on 6/4/13 12:53 am
VSG on 06/04/12
I also want to mention how important hiring a personal trainer can be. For me, he is just as much a part of my "medical" team as my Dr. My trainer has such intense belief in me and has pushed me much farther than I would have ever pushed myself. He has also made a huge difference in my mental state by constantly encouraging me and getting me to believe in myself.
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