The Losing Regain Wagon is Moving and I Am ON IT!

on 7/14/13 3:09 am


Day seven of  my Sleeve Coup!!

I have remembered why we are suppose to eat dense protein. I started avoiding dense chicken breast and eating  thighs instead.  The more dense breast is harder to eat.  It does not feel as good in my tummy.  That is the restriction I am suppose to feel.  I need to use the restriction rather than fighting it! My calories have been around 800. My carbs and protein have averaged about 50 each.  I need to get the protein up. 

I'm also getting in way more water.  I have discovered, I have to push them early in the day and then it's easier to keep drinking through out the day.  If I don't push early, it's hard to want liquid later.

The scale is being nice to me!!!  Down 6 lbs.  Yep, I know some is water weight, but gotta get that off before we can work on fat!

Is any one else on the wagon with me?



Big Frog Kisses,           
on 7/14/13 3:12 am
VSG on 11/21/12

I'm still on the WL wagon, but I'm so grateful to people who post about their struggles and how they're working on them.  It can happen to anyone, I've come to believe.

Just cheering you on!


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

on 7/14/13 3:21 am

Thank you for the support!  Yes it can happen to anyone.  But the tool still works and we just have to get the head in the right place again!  

To be honest, whether its regain weight or initial weight loss, it's the same wagon, the same rules, the same struggles.



Big Frog Kisses,           
on 7/14/13 3:39 am - NJ
VSG on 03/08/12
I've been struggling to get back and stay on the wagon but woke up this morning and decided today is REALLY the day.

Chicken is the hardest thing for me to eat but since it fills me up and the stats are perfect, that's what I'm eating. Right now, I'm having some for lunch and I have breasts in the crockpot to have for dinner. I also need to drink my water early because by the end of the day I don't want it and also I don't want to be up all night peeing!

Hoping to see scale results and to once and for all shake the carb monster off my back!

  4' 11" HW 218 SW 214 Original Goal of 125 in 8.5 mos Lowest Weight 119 CW 133 Trying to get back in the 122-128 range 


on 7/14/13 4:43 am

Thanks for jumping on with me.  Those carbs are evil!!! I got through days one and two before the craving hit.  Make sure you have got some protein snack options for when they hit.  

Big Frog Kisses,           
Joy M.
on 7/14/13 3:49 am
VSG on 08/06/13

My wagons stuck in the mud til at least my diet starts in a week and a half so ill join the wagon train soon. 


on 7/14/13 4:38 am

I really understand.  I gave myself time to really prep myself mentally about doing this.  I did a lot of the same thinking I did before having WLS.  When your head is ready, jump on.  Let me know if you need to talk about getting geared up for the journey?

Big Frog Kisses,           
Joy M.
on 7/14/13 4:46 am
VSG on 08/06/13

Well aside from a few incidences of over indulging like with pizza yesterday I've been drinking protein shakes to get used to that but the pounds don't just fall off of me. I don't think my weight loss will start until my body changes physically. But pizza was only a once or twice a month anyway because we can't afford to eat out all the time. Even when I met with the counselor and journaled my food it's not terrible, by my thyroid has made me gain weight n honestly I wonder if the iud is another reason. But hoping the surgery will help my body to not be able to eat a full piece of chicken or salmon which is already one of my favorite foods.


on 7/14/13 5:24 am

Some changes are harder to make before surgery. If they were not, you could just make the changes and not have WLS. Portion control and not grazing are much easier after. Choosing the right foods is easier at first, but often gets harder after a while.  At first, you defiantly won't be able to eat more than a few bites of chicken.  Even three years out, I have a hard time finishing a whole chicken breast.  Now dark meat, I can put away.  But I have to make the choice, do I eat the dense white meat that will make me feel full fast and not leave me room for anything else or the moist, slippery thigh meat that feels better sliding down my tummy.  I have been making the wrong choice and not just with chicken. 

Before surgery, the hardest changes for me were not drinking when I ate and slowing down the speed of my eating.  The drinking was not as hard to change as I thought it would be, but I made the mistake of going back to drinking with meals in social settings and totally relapsed.  I have gotten control of that again.  The speed eating is another story.  I have never gotten I down, so it's going to be my focus this week.

Big Frog Kisses,           
Joy M.
on 7/14/13 5:30 am
VSG on 08/06/13

That's my weakness as well drinking with meals and eating fast. When I wait to eat then I'm so hungry I eat so fast n my brain doesn't have time to catch up to my stomach. Also it's encouraging to see your progression because that's my starting point.


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