Surgery Monday! Starting to freak out a little bit.

on 8/17/13 12:42 am - AR

Ugh, okay so I know this is what I wanted and I am ready for it. everything happened a little faster than I thought.  Only 3 months to get through the whole process.  My dilemma, is my family going to survive? I hope so at this point they don't have much of a choice.  Deductibles have been paid. 


One major question. I jumped the gun and bought 6 Special K protein shakes.  Is it going to hurt me to drink it?  I have been on this liquid diet since August 5th and have survived.  I didn't read the bad only that it said Protein shake and looked really good.

My others have had no sugar and this one actually has 18g. and 29 carbs. with only 10 g of protein 5 g fiber.

Live life one day at a time!


on 8/17/13 12:51 am
VSG on 12/18/12

Your family WILL survive! :)  I am 8 months out tomorrow and down 89.2 pounds and I feel like a million bucks! It's worth it, trust me. Scared of surgery? So was I and I think probably everyone on here. It's normal to be fearful of the unknown. While with any surgery, there could be a complication, I had none at all. I did get the nasty flu at 3 weeks out but as long as you chose a good surgeon with experience, you'll do fine. Remember to walk as much as possible to get rid of the gas they fill your stomach with and sip constantly.

Sugar is my enemy. You can probably slip them in one at a time every so often or mix it with a good protein just to get rid of them. Syntrax Matrix brand protein is a tasty choice and they have lots of flavors to choose from. If you mix them with unsweetened almond milk, you're only adding an extra 30 calories.

Good luck to you! Let us all know how it goes!

   Starting weight-244.4   Currently-145.2   Surgeon goal-150   My own goal-140        



on 8/17/13 12:59 am - AR

Thanks.  I usually don't buy these but the strawberry was very appealing. Darn brain wasn't thinking.  Congratulations on your weight loss and feeling better.  I have heard so many positive stories and was really good till I woke up this morning thinking o wow 2 days. I may just put these back for an emergency stash.  Thanks for the reply! and the encouragement.

Live life one day at a time!


on 8/17/13 1:08 am
VSG on 12/18/12

I am one of those who had really NO problems to speak of. I did wake up in recovery in some pain from the gas. They gave me pain meds that knocked me back out, I woke up again, same thing again and the 3rd time was a charm. I woke up and they took me to my room and 3 hours later, I was lacing up my Asics for a walk down the hallway and never really had any more pain to speak of, although the pain meds did help me sleep at night! Ha! The nurse came into my room and said she was impressed that I put my own shoes on! The worst part of getting around in the hospital was the IV pole I was attached to. It was hard to go to the bathroom! I was home in about 24 hours. If I had to do it again, I would.

   Starting weight-244.4   Currently-145.2   Surgeon goal-150   My own goal-140        



on 8/17/13 1:14 am - AR

Wow. I am told I will be in the hospital for 3 days.  I paid for 2 days already with the deductible.  Insurance is covering the surgery 100 percent.  I'm trying to get everything fixed before Monday so I don't have to worry about a thing.  The gas kind of scares me too lol. Hopefully as much stuff as I've been through this will be a piece of cake. I have had some major surgeries.  They say prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  Guess that is my mini goal.  Did it hurt to ride home afterwards?

Live life one day at a time!


on 8/17/13 1:30 am
VSG on 12/18/12

I was worried before surgery about the anesthetic but I was fine. I had my ACL and meniscus in my knee fixed 2 years ago and that was WAY worse for me than this surgery! Giving birth was even worse than this surgery! Ha! I didn't have any problems going home in the car. They encourage you to walk the halls as soon as you're able. After the knee surgery, I needed someone to help care for me. This surgery, I didn't need any help after the first day. Everyone is different though and everyone tolerates pain differently so no two experiences will be completely alike. I just know for me, everything went well. I would take the pain meds though. I took them on schedule for about 5 days and then began weening myself off but you may need them for longer. You won't know until it's over. Listen to your surgeon and do EXACTLY as he tells you. I followed my surgeon's advice to the T and everything went just fine.

   Starting weight-244.4   Currently-145.2   Surgeon goal-150   My own goal-140        



on 8/17/13 3:26 am - MS
VSG on 08/12/13

I think everyone who has had this surgery (or any type surgery) was scared. I know I was!! You will do great! I'm almost 1 week postop. I had an excellent surgeon with 20+years experience. I also woke up in recovery with horrible gas pains. I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. They gave me pain meds for the incision pain I as having and knocked me out, thank goodness. Surgery started around 2:30pm. Total time, including recovery, was 2 hours. No other repairs were required during surgery. I was in my room by early that evening. By late evening, I was up walking. That is the key to the gas pains....walk walk walk!! Get as much fluids in as you can. I haven't had any ill-aftereffects yet. I'm only taking pain meds at bedtime just to help me get comfortable because I'm used to sleeping on my left side and now I can't  Good luck to you and keep us updated!! You're going to do great!!

Age: 34 ~ Height: 5'5 ~ HW: 287 (7/28/2013) ~ SW: 272 ~ GW: 150 ~ Goal weight met 8/9/2014  


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