Slow-ing Dooooooooooowwwwwwnnnnnn......

Diana E.
on 8/21/13 6:20 am
VSG on 03/27/13

I totally know why too.  My Osteoarthritis is in a full on flare up.  Started about a month ago and I've been on a cane with my leg in its brace, can't sleep through the night, and I have to get up a 1/2 early just to stretch my leg enough to be able to barely withstand the pain of walking for the first hour or so.

My knee needs to be replaced, but all the Doctors I've seen have told me they won't do it until I'm 50 (I'm currently 38).  Cortizone shots do nothing for me.  I can't get the gel shots because of bone spurs under my knee cap (apparently that is one of the things you can have that won't allow you to get the shot).  I mean seriously, I'm supposed to live like this for 12 more years?  My last surgery (3 years ago) showed my knee (and I'm going to full on butcher everything here because I don't remember the actual terms) a 4 out of 4 (4 being completely worn out) in 3 out of 4 locations that they grade.  The fourth location was a 3.  Not that it matters at the moment anyways.. I won't have insurance until Jan. 

So, I pretty much haven't exercised in a month.  Other than limited stretching to try and keep what little mobility I have left, and a little bit of upper body weight training from a seated position.  I was really hoping to hit Onderland while I was at the OH convention.  But looks like I will most likely be about 10lbs off from that..... and of course, the closer I get to 100 lb loss, the slower it's going! 

I am however very thankful that I have continued to see losses every week.  No gains, no stalls...yet.  I'm pretty sure a stall is coming because of my slow down.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is my pity party of the week.  Now I need to kick myself in the rear and remember all of my blessings and everything I have to be thankful for...... starting with, no more CPAP! YA!  And, the only thing I take now are vitamins (and painkillers).  No more diabetes meds and no more HBP meds.  ...oh, and one last thing,  all of you!  I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, thankful for each and every one of you on here!  This is a wonderful board.  I don't think my journey to finding a healthy self would be nearly as successful had I not found this board and all of you.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming......

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 8/21/13 7:21 am - WA

Chronic pain sucks!  It makes it really hard to focus.  I think you should see a new doc.  I hear there's a new knee replacement product with a lifetime guarantee .  Hugs!



on 8/21/13 8:41 am - VA
VSG on 08/05/13

Could you go to a larger hospital? I don't know where you are from, but I needed surgery 7yrs ago and all the local surgeons wouldn't touch it, because they were afraid of previous complications when the surgery was attempted before. So I went to UVA and Duke and found a surgeon that was willing to give it a shot.

Diana E.
on 8/21/13 9:13 am
VSG on 03/27/13
I've seen 6 or 7 Surgeons over the past 10 years...including the top surgeon in our region. They all said no. But I'm hoping when my insurance kicks in my regular surgeon will have a remedy or a willingness to do the surgery now. This is really no way to live.

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 8/21/13 8:44 am

I'm sorry to hear that:(

The good news is you lost almost 100 pounds!!!!!!!



29y/ 5'4 / HW 265/SW 255/CW 120.1/Final goal 125


on 8/21/13 9:10 am - Parsippany, NJ
VSG on 03/05/13

so sorry about your pain.....I get it now and then, and could not imagine having daily issues.  as suggested above, I think you may want to try another doctor too.....I have spurs on my knee caps, and my doc is trying to get insurance approval for the gel shots....2nd opinion wouldn't hurt.  however, it stinks if you have to wait until January for your health insurance.

good luck, and hugs to you...and congrats on losing 100 lbs, meds, and cpap!!


on 8/21/13 10:10 am
RNY on 05/29/13

What does your age have to do with it?  Lots of people your age have joints replaced.  I would definitely go to another doctor for a second opinion.  If you have your knee done now, it is highly likely that you will need at least one revision (joints last about 20-25 years), but it is cruel for your doctor to expect you to live with it for 12 years!

on 8/21/13 10:11 am - Vancouver, WA

I agree with some of the others that you need to find a new orthopedist, it's crazy to make you suffer when I'm sure there are other younger replacement people out there. I had a hip replacement at 54, one surgeon told me that A. I was too fat and B. I was too young. My PCP found another surgeon and he was more than willing to do it, he was a sports orthopedist and worked on big sports players so I wasn't any bigger than they were. He made it clear that I had to put in the work in rehab to strengthen everything after surgery but he had no qualms about operating on me. I was driving by myself at 5 weeks out.

Have they tried you on a pain patch like fentanyl? I used that right before my hip surgery because I was in so much pain, it worked better for me because it didn't make me all sleepy and dopey like the oral drugs I was taking. Use the time before your insurance kicks in to find another surgeon. Best  of luck to you!!

Diana E.
on 8/21/13 10:52 am
VSG on 03/27/13
I've had a half dozen docs say no. Their reasoning is that if I do it now it will guarantee I will need a revision within my lifetime and apparently revisions on an elderly patient is high risk. I don't foresee this knee even lasting me until im 40.

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 8/21/13 11:08 am
VSG on 05/01/13
Hi Diane..
I'm so sorry your in pain...
My dad had both knees replaced, one at age79 and the other last yr at age 81!!
You tell these moron drs, that you'll deal with a "possible" second knee replacement at an older age when and IF that day comes, and it's nothing that they need to be concerned about, it will be YOUR issue not THEIRS...
I hate these high and mighty A$$ES!!!
They have NO COMPASSION and clearly don't take their hypocritical oath to heart to "First do no harm" since they are causing you harm by refusal!!!


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