new starts sometimes require help

on 10/22/13 11:27 pm

After losing 100 lbs so far in my journey (30 till goal), my wonderful loving, supportive, and sometimes mother henning me to death husband mentioned that I am looking lost in my life. How do I look lost? I am going to school full time, working 2 jobs, exercising 4-5 days a week, I have even lost 100 lbs, hell, I say I have found my way. no no no, that is not what he meant. When I was fatter (hey, were honest ppl) I dressed to hide myself, to make sure no bumps, lumps or tires were showing.

And that is exactly what I am still doing, I have changed everything else about me-my stomach, how I eat, that I am more active, reading food labels, bla bla bla, but I am still treating myself with my clothes as if I am still a fat person. WOW. I didn't think of that, I am lost with my clothes how to dress myself and show that I am now this confident, sexy woman.


Remedy to this problem? I am hiring and working with a personal image consultant. Who doesn't want to look and feel as fabulous as Elina looks every time we see her pictures or how she describes herself? (yes your are my perfect example here) Now I have no idea how to dress myself, with out feeling insecure, like I am parading myself around, or that I am really not that good looking yet. I WILL NOT devalue myself anymore.

These last 30 lbs are coming off super slow and fighting every step of the way. My personal goal was to be at goal weight, have my consultant work with me and then jet off into the early morning sunset with my hubby to see his mom in DC. I have decided even if I don't hit my personal goal weight by December, I will still go shopping and work with my consultant regardless.

There is always something to change for us, the journey is never over. We are always evolving, changing and becoming better. Now I know the next step. And after I find myself again with my clothes and I have maintained my gw for a couple months (about  or so) I'll start making preparations for a boob job. Have a great day everyone! going to take pictures of my shoes and clothes to get this next step started!



on 10/22/13 11:45 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

You should do it!  The sooner the better!  A friend of mine used an image consultant, and she absolutely loved it.  I think it's a wonderful rite of passage to the new you, even if you're not totally at your goal.  You've lost 100 pounds!  Amazing!  Good for your hubby for recognizing that and commenting on it.  Enjoy your new body, find your new style, revel in it.  You absolutely deserve it :)


on 10/23/13 12:17 am

That is what I am thinking, I want to feel good about what I wear now not later. Plus I don't think 30 lbs will make that much of a difference for me, am I wrong?


on 10/23/13 12:21 am - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

It probably will make a huge difference in size (my last 15 pounds took me down 2 sizes - I'm still not sure how that happened), so I wouldn't recommend buying a ton of stuff right now.  I would work with the image consultant on your actual style now that you're so much thinner - what you like, what kind of colors work for you, how you want to present yourself.  Then buy a couple of things (preferably on sale or at a consignment shop) that fit this new look and spend the money on accessories and stuff to really change up the outfits.  You will not want to have a closet full of clothes that you can't wear in 2 months time, but you definitely should reward yourself with a couple pieces right now that are on the small side of the size you currently wear or would be easy for a tailor to take in.  Plus shopping is fun!


on 10/23/13 12:37 am

I mostly shop sales, second hand stores and such because I am changing still. I think you are right about going down in  sizes, I have 4 sizes I want to get down before I am at a 7/8 that is comfortable and loose-not skin tight. Mostly I am looking at getting some shirts to go with the pants I already have (ranging from a 12/13 down to a 6). That is also what Bonnie (consultant) said too. Great minds think alike!


on 10/22/13 11:54 pm - OK
VSG on 07/05/13

I was wondering myself how I was going to figure out how to dress when I reached my goal.  I find myself looking at other people around me, and seeing what I like and what I don't.  What amazes me the most are the thin people who dress so awful.  LOL  If they just chose different styles, they would look so much better.  I don't want to be one of those people.  The look I like is fitted clothing that looks neat and trim and put together.  What a great idea to get a consultant.  I may just do the same!


 Starting weight: 320       Goal weight: 145      Surgery Weight: 298      Current weight: 215         Check out my blog at

Weight loss month 1-22  2-13  3-12  4-16  5-4  6-0  7-7  8-6



on 10/23/13 12:19 am

All these small healthy people look like crap-exactly the reason I want help with dressing. I want to look put together, clean and awesome. Having someone help me put myself together would be the best thing I can do to help myself.


on 10/23/13 12:25 am - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

You can also check out Pinterest (the Women's fashion section) or Polyvore to see how people are putting outfits together and what appeals to you.  It's a lot of fun figuring out what you really like now that you're not actually trying to cover up your body or simply just finding something that will fit. 


on 10/23/13 12:34 am

I have a MASSIVE pin board with over 150 outfits I like. The consultant loves pintrest because she can see what I like and we can go from there. All of my outfits are polished on there, they look complete and that is how I want to feel, is complete.


on 10/23/13 12:40 am - OK
VSG on 07/05/13

A Pinterest board with fashions I like.  What a GREAT idea!


 Starting weight: 320       Goal weight: 145      Surgery Weight: 298      Current weight: 215         Check out my blog at

Weight loss month 1-22  2-13  3-12  4-16  5-4  6-0  7-7  8-6



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