Things I learned today from my surgeon

VSG on 06/12/13
I had my 6 month follow up (at nearly 7 months because doc moved appt last month) and I learned a few things I thought I would share.

1. Regarding the dizziness I have been having - he took particular interest in this. After ensuring it wasn't due to dehydration or diet, he explained that when I was large, my blood vessels were also large. Now that I am smaller, they have shrunk down like a previously-inflated balloon and are flabby (like the rest of my body - HA!). Normal physiology is for blood to head to the legs when we stand, but since there is so much more potential space for blood to fill now that they are flabby, my heart has to work so much harder to pump the blood back up to my brain. It just isn't kicking in fast/hard enough yet and so I feel dizzy. He suggested tensing my leg muscles or pumping my legs before standing to help counteract this. And, it's totally normal and should get better over time/won't be like this forever. He also told me to not be afraid of my salt shaker, but don't go overboard because it will cause swelling.

2. Regarding PPI's - he wants me off of them. He instructed me to switch to Pepcid or similar, taking two at night. He said long term PPI usage causes stomach polyps which he sees frequently in surgery, but he hadn't heard of PPI's causing food allergies. I asked about the noise and bubbly feeling and whether it was acid. He said probably not, it was probably just normal stomach sounds that have been depressed because of the PPI. I don't know, the zipping/bubbling feeling is nice to not to have to deal with but I would rather be able to eat foods without allergies.

3. I asked about the goal he set for me of 160 and my personal goal of 150. Can I make it? Yes, he said, I'm not done yet and should have no problems at all reaching 150 before my next visit in June. Keep doing what I am doing, stay the course, and have fun.

4. Regarding my blood work and high stored iron values, that would not come from the sleeve and physiologically, there is no reason that anything should be different about how my body processes iron than a normie's would. RNY is different story.

It was a nice visit today.


Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 1/9/14 11:17 am
VSG on 07/08/13 with

Sounds like a good visit to me!  I was advised to take Pepcid every other night for the gurgles that I was hearing, but I haven't done it because the gurgling is at a minimum now. 

Good luck chugging along toward your goal...I know you will make it!

VSG by Nick Nicholson in 2013. Revised to DS 2/23/2023 by Chad Carlton.

on 1/9/14 11:48 am - MA
VSG on 04/02/13

Sounds like a GREAT visit. 

Great info about the dizziness.  I have been having severe dizziness/vertigo.  I drive a school bus for a living, so I have been out of work for a month because of this.  Did he have any other suggestions to help speed the healing process along?


  I'm not where I want to be, but I am closer than I was yesterday!


HW: 365 SW: 320

VSG on 06/12/13
He didn't, but I am sorry you are going through this. Have you seen a cardiologist? Perhaps that might be something to try if not? Perhaps they could give you some sort of vasoconstrictor meds. Or, I wonder if compression garments for your legs could help, sort of like fighter pilots wear.

I feel for you and hope you feel better/get resolution soon.



Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 1/9/14 12:00 pm - Palm Desert, CA
VSG on 06/25/12

very interesting stuff! Thanks for the details.  I had the issue of dizziness when standing, which is 99% gone now. It recurs only in the hours after a really hard workout (probably a dehydration issue on top of flabby blood vessels).  I've fainted 3 times - all have been within an hour of a very hard workout, and after sitting for a while, then standing up quickly.  So it's manageable... I just have to watch it after workouts.

Heaviest: 313/VSG Pre: 295/Surgery: 260/Maintenance target:190 - Recent: 195 (08/15/19)

1st 2015&2016 12-Hour Time Trial UMCA 50-59 Age Group
1st 2017 Race Across the West 4-Person 50-59 Age Group
4th 2019 Race Across America 8 Person Team

on 1/9/14 12:07 pm - Omaha, NE
VSG on 05/17/13
Interesting about the dizziness. I've been getting dizzy if I stand up too quickly. Goes away after a few seconds, so I'm not concerned. Every once in awhile I get the black dots in my vision like I'm going to pass out, but just for a second. The worst has been at the gym standing up from deadlifts. Anyway, sounds like a good visit. Keep up the great work!

Lindsay ~ 5'4" ~ HW (5/6/13): 280 ~ SW (5/17/13): 273 ~ CW: 140
Losses by month: pre-op: -8  M1: -18  M2: -12  M3: -13  M4: -9  M5: -10  M6: -12
  M7: -14  M8: -12  M9: -2  M10: -8  M11: -9  M12: -2  M13: -6  M14: -7


on 1/9/14 12:37 pm

thanks for sharing :)

on 1/9/14 10:42 pm

I am so happy you posted about the dizziness! I too have been having the dizzy spells where I almost feel like I am going to pass out. I will try his tips and see what happens! Thanks!

Tracy D.
on 1/10/14 12:17 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Thanks for posting this, Laurie - I was super-interested in the issue about dizziness because I've had episodes too, quite a few actually.  The doctor's explanation makes perfect sense.  I will practice the tensing-leg-muscles trick to see if that helps.  

I took myself off my PPI over a month ago too.  I've been able to manage the excess acid with Tums and just live with the stomach noises :-)  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































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