tummy tuck info need please!

on 1/18/14 11:58 pm

I am over 2 years out and maintaining my 107 lb weigh loss. I am getting my tummy tuck by the first week of March Which I am STOKED about!! I have found an amazing doctor who has 25+ years experience and is double board cerified---BUT, as most of us tend to do, I am starting to psych myself out telling myself it may be a lot of pain....I know each surgery is a risky procedure, and I have had 3 cesarians then my weight loss surgery--none of which seemed to bad to me, so I wanted to reach out to those who have had a tummy tuck and see what your feed back is on it? I would appreciate any info I can get! Thanks so much!!

on 1/19/14 1:02 am


There is a plastic surgery forum here with people who post about TT's there- do a search and you will find some posts outlining their experience.  

I had mine done on December 9th, and thus still recovering.  Pain was very tolerable and I would do it again in a second.  It was and is, however, a much longer recovery than the Vsg.  I cannot compare it to a c-section for you.  The first few days I had to sleep in the recliner- getting in and out of bed was too difficult.  (For vsg, I slept in bed the first night.)  Once moving to the bed, I stack pillows for a reclining position for a long period and maybe over the last week and a half or so now sleep in my "normal" position.  I also had to sleep only on my back for several weeks due to the suture lines- tough for me as I am a side sleeper.  Overall though not a big deal.  I would also wake up from pain over the first few weeks, so I used Percocet off and on over a period of 3-4 weeks.  With the vsg, pain killers were stopped in the hospital and I took maybe 2-3 doses of Loritab when I was home.  

I had the anchor cut- around my hips (not all the way around including the back) and up the center to my breast area.  Frankly, I was shocked at the scarring when I first saw it, and I thought I was prepared for that.  The good news though is that even at 6 weeks out the scarring is soooo much better.  The adhesive that was used to close me up is what really looked terrible at first.  The suture lines were very tender for weeks, especiall in the Mons area.  I am still sore in the Mons area :(  

I was told to wear the garment for the first 6 weeks 24/7.  My doc said at week 4 though I could not wear it at night, since my skin (non-surgical site areas) was becoming very irritated.  (I am allergic to latex and I suspect something in the garment).  He said at the end of week 5 I could stop wearing it.  I tried to, but swell up like a blowfish at work, which in turn makes me pretty sore.  Thus, I am still wearing it on work days to try and assist in keeping the swelling down.

Swelling- it is getting better for sure overall.  Going into surgery I wore a size 12 (slightly loose).  Coming out of surgery I had to pull out the size 14s due to swelling.  Now at 6 weeks out I fit back into the 12s no problem, but the Mons area swells up so much at work that it gets very snug in that area, hence I still wear the 14s for now.  With that said though, I tried on a size 10 at home and could fit into them- couldn't do that prior to surgery.  I strongly suspect that once I am healed up more and the swelling gets more under control that I will be wearing a size 10 comfortably.  That is assuming I don't put on weight from not being able to exercise at all!

Exercise- I was told to not lift anything heavier than 5 pounds post op, and that was no joke.  At the 4 week follow up he stressed to not lift more than 10, and that is also no joke.  I have been very good about not lifting anything (don't even carry my purse) up until this weekend.  I had a college class that needed me to take in a few books and binder, so I carried the backpack- ouch. I was cleared at 4 weeks to start walking or using my treadmill.  Thing is I can't yet.  I get really sore and really swollen when I walk around.  I went back to work at 4 weeks and walk typically 5,000-10,000 steps per day. First day back- did great up until lunch and then super sore for the afternoon.  Loads of swelling.  Went to bed early.  Second day started with more swelling then day one, and repeat with more swelling and pain by the afternoon.  It seems to be cumulative- I rest and stay off my feet as much as possible when not at work, and each passing day of work makes the swelling and (tolerable) pain worse.  I have not worked a full week yet too due to snow days , or a sick day, or an in-service day (off my feet on those days).  I couldn't imagine going back to work at the 2 week mark and I am very, very grateful that I gave myself a 4 week window.  

Drains- I went home with 4.  I was most concerned about this going into surgery.  They were not as bad overall as I expected.  I had to empty them and measure output 3 time a day, and that was very easy.  The two drains in the groin area were the most uncomfortable and made it so I did not want to walk much or very far at all.  For the first 2 weeks post op I stayed off my feet except to go to the bathroom, get a coffee, or something and that really helped.  Unfortunately at the 10 day mark he could only remove 2 drains, and not the groin ones.  I had to keep those in for 4 weeks.  When he removed them I swelled up terrible in the Mons area and still feel like most of the discomfort/pain I experience is a result of the drains there- but I can't be sure.  

I am now finishing week 6 of recovery.  I pray by the end of month three I will feel like I can walk around like normal at work and also be able to tolerate going for the long walks at night with the hubby that we both love.  I am patient though.  I went into this knowing the swelling takes months and even up to a year to settle down.  

Results- OMG!!!  I am so grateful that I did this!  I have a flat tummy, and a great hour glass figure now.  It is soooo worth the recovery process!  My stomach looks just as good as it did when I was 22 years old (not including the scarring of course).   I couldn't be happier!  Scars don't bother me, as i have no desire to wear a bikini or anything- I am super modest in that regard.  My husband loved me to pieces at 326 pounds- so scarring is a non-issue for him as well.

Numbness- I was warned the procedure causes numbnes in the abdomen and usually feeling comes back but not  guaranteed.  My feeling sensation is deeply impacted still.  I can feel my husband touch me more from pressure than from anything.  I feel very tight still (although can stand up fully upright now), but there is a constant numb like feeling.  It is sort of like when you go to the dentist for a filling, get the shot, and as the medicine is wearing off it is a funky tingly feeling where you can push on your jaw and feel the pressure of the push, but it doesn't feel normal at all.  I pray to God this resolves- but even if it doesn't, I would still do it over. 

Marital fallout- Ok, this took me by complete surprise.  With wls my husband was crazy supportive (lost 100 pounds with me with his goal being to support me and keep me on track) and it brought us closer together.  I didn't think twice about the TT procedure as a result. He completely lost it on me.  He was crying, left for long walks daily, was lashing out at the kids ****il I made him stop), and barely helped me at all during the hardest part of the recovery.  I ended up having to ask my 18 year old daughter who is a premed student (so not grossed out by this) to help get undressed, showered, clean the wounds, etc. over the first 2 weeks.  I felt terrible asking her, but goodness she was amazing.  She realized dad was checked out and not only helped me, but basically kept the household running and helping the younger sister.  I will be forever grateful.  Now the husband eventually got to the point where he explained that he was terrified I was doing this to look beautiful and go out and find another man.  He knew completely this was irrational (we are very, very close) but it was tearing him up.  He was also feeling incredibly ugly.  Once I had the TT he was so self-conscious about his tummy area and felt absolutely certain there was no way I could possibly be attracted to him in his state.  I could tell him until I was blue in the face this was not the case, but because I was sleeping in a recliner and unable to have marital relations at the time due to recovery it just reinforced this for him. He was practically starving himself trying to lose weight, exercising a few hours a day... in general really changed his behavior but for all the wrong reasons.He couldn't look at me and the flat tummy without crying- it was reinforcing his fear of my leaving him.   That really took some time to deal with.  Now, at week 6 he has worked through this very well.  Relations has resumed which helped a whole lot.  During this last week or so he is looking at me and crazy attracted to me now due to the TT being so well done, and he is no longer associating the procedure with my leaving him.  (On a side note, he grew up in a house where his mom was constantly threatening his dad to leave, and blamed my husband for her not being able to go due to financial reasons... he was an unplanned pregnancy and was told constantly growing up what a mistake he was and how much grief he caused his mom- *****) Anyway, obviously my husband had more issues to deal with than a typical husband on this, but I just wanted to warn you to prepare you significant other.  It take their brains time to catch up to our bodies just as much as we need the time to catch up.  4

Overall, the pain was/is quite manageable and I would not let that fear stop you from getting the procedure.  BE SURE TO CHECK THAT YOUR SURGEON PULLS UP THE MONS AREA DURING YOUR PROCEDURE!  If he doesn't you will be left with what looks like a big pouch in the vaginal area and above.  My guy did, but this is the area that is still so swollen and I can assure you that if this is not pulled up you will hate the final result.  For now, I call it my alien baby when it swells up a lot- so much so that when I wear a dress the bump is clearly noticeable.  

Ok, this was long- sorry.  But I know I was desperate for details when I was looking info up.  PM me anytime if you have questions. HT

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 1/19/14 1:18 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Excellent and very informative post. I am presently 17 days post. And am going through many of the same things you have mentioned. Gives me. Hope too that I will come out ok on the other side,lol.

I am also amazed how beautiful my  body is even this early. I also had breasts lift with reduction,bat wings and a long thigh lift in addition to lower. Body lift with muscle repair. I always have known I was beautiful on the inside and now my outside matches.

thanks for great post.





on 1/19/14 2:51 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Congrats on your surgery! How manageable do you feel your recovery has been considering you had several procedures all at once? Would you still do it that way now that you're post-op?

I'm hoping to go to a few plastics consults in the Spring and am curious about other's experiences!

I hope you're both healing well!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at http://flirtybythirty.wordpress.com


on 1/20/14 4:07 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

yes, I would totally do it this way again. I am glad to have just one recovery,even if it might be a little longer recovery. I have spent the last 4 years in the weight loss phase. I have been glad to focus practically my entire life on. That endeavor. I was getting tired of having to focus every waking breath on it. 

I really didn't want to spend the next. Few years doing the same thing with plastics. Procedure the recover. Procedure the recover.  Bear in mind. I had my plastics in MX. Under twilight sleep and an. Epidural. My entire surgery was 12 hours long. I was perfectly safe for this long because my breathing was not impaired by general anesthesia. 

I am not even sure there are any surgeons in the US who are doing it this way. I also believe though I don't know for sure,but. I believe that I got all my procedures for not much more than. The cost of one or two,maybe. ,in. The US.

my plastics journey is documented onmy Dr. Saucedas group page. It. Is titled "Monterryy Day...." And there are several posts.

i don't start threads often and am not a real prolific posted but have followed your journey. You. Have rocked this thing,girl,and look awesome. You deserve to look as good on the outside as you look on the inside. 





on 1/19/14 8:56 am

Oh goodness that is a lot at one time- you are a brave soul.  It will get better!  Did the thigh lift make as much of a difference as the TT?  It is weird- prior to the TT the thighs were not bugging me so much, but now it is really obvious- like I have a young body attached to an older person's legs.  I read somewhere that the thigh lift was not as much of an improvement overall as the TT is.  Not sure if it is true though.  

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 1/19/14 8:58 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

thanks for the encouragement. Yes,the thigh lift is awesome. Legs are just so slim and nicely curved. I know what you mean..... I think. I would have hated the thighs even more if I had only had the tt. I am so.  Glad I was just able to do it all.





on 1/19/14 2:13 am
Hello! I am a little over 2.5 years post op I have lost 126lbs and maintaining my weight which is about 135-138. I had a full TT and breast lift/implants December 3rd 2012. It is painful but definitely tolerable with the pain meds. It's mostly muscle pain from the muscle tightening. I was feeling almost completely better after 2 weeks. Still sore of course but being able to get back to my daily activities. I had my procedure done by Dr. Martin Otoole in Pasadena and I am sooo happy with the results. I would do it all over again if I had to. The main thing I would like to tell you about the procedure is you will not be able to stand upright for probably 2 weeks. You will be bent over and will probably feel like you will never be able to stand up again... BUT just keep in mind you will be able to stand up straight again. It's a scary feeling not being able to stand up but it's very normal and happens with every TT. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Your going to do great!!! Good luck and keep us posted :)


on 1/19/14 7:05 am, edited 1/19/14 9:30 am - Pasadena, CA

BrittanyLynn!  I had my TT done by Dr. O'Toole, too!  He did my facelift back in 2011 and my TT in August of 2013.  The TT was MUCH more difficult than either the VSG or the facelift.  I'm almost 5 months out and still not feeling 100% - can't do what I did post-op at the gym.  But the results are totally worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat!  I've been told it takes a full year to feel 100% after a TT and I believe it.  I took a month off work and am very glad I did.

I'm 5'2" and 55 years old.  VSG 3/17/10


on 1/19/14 3:33 am

Thanks to all PS veterans *****plied- great information! This is why I OH! 


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