Positive Stuff

Rosie B.
on 2/9/14 10:53 pm

Hi Everyone.  I have been on here whining about stuff so I took a step back and looked at the positive.  I am 68-years old, so I suppose recovery and health issues are a little harder for us.  I was at 208 lbs at surgery and have lost 21 lbs since plus 14 lbs from fasting before, so good but have been at a stall.  I know I HAVE to exercise but haven't been because of weather and issues etc.

Anyhoo....I look good; the fat on my cheeks are gone.  I went from size 18/20 to 16.  My daughter is giving me her clothes (she lost 60 lbs.).  I have more energy, my Tryglicerides are at Normal range for the first time in YEARS, they cut my BP medicine in half.  All of my other blood work is normal.  So healthwise, things are so much better.......NSV, i can tie my shoes, put my boots on without breathing hard.  I can cross my legs, sit in smaller chairs, close the car door without getting my but cheek slammed in the door---LOL.  Life is truly so much better already and I have so much more to go with more good things. 

I can eat almost everything at 7-8 weeks out and water is finally going down easier and I love my water.  It was just getting stuck but now it's better.  I can go to restaurants with friends and find things to eat.  My friends always feel sorry for me and offer a bite of this and that but I am truly satisfied with what I have.  In fact, I watch people eat these huge meals and can't believe I used to do that.  I just miss drinking something with my meal and after; I think I feel left out.

So I AM happy I did this.  I had my doubts, but these things are all part of recover and are normal.  I always freak out because I think I am the only one, but we all go through these things post-surgery.  I am looking forward to all the good new things that will happen and losing more weight and getting even healthier.  Thank you my little sleeve friend



on 2/9/14 11:13 pm

That is great that you are focusing on the positives. This is such as positive thing that we have done to help us return to health! I decided to just let the positives outshine and outnumber the negative stuff. I refuse to complain about the little things! 

  HW: 249  SW: 233  VSG: Dec 3, 2013    



Rosie B.
on 2/10/14 1:46 am

Absolutely!  If you sit around all depressed, then you are not moving around and that doesn't help at all.  Now that I know that certain health issues will not kill me, I too am not complaining any more!

on 2/10/14 12:06 am
Revision on 12/28/13

I truly wish I had your positive outlook.  But I'm 6 weeks out and have kept losing the same two pounds for three weeks.  It's making me feel like a complete and utter failure. 

Rosie B.
on 2/10/14 1:45 am

Me too.  I have been gaining and losing the same two pounds for weeks and my protein, water is good and my calories are under 700 per day.  My surgeon told me this will NOT work unless I exercise every single day; especially at my age and I haven't, for a thousand reasons and excuses I can think of.  It's my fault and I know it.  Once I start excercising I will be fine; just got to start.  And, even though I am having some palpatation issues, my cardiologist told me in no uncertain terms; I MUST exercise.  So there you have it, that's what we must do.  I have just decided to remain positive and get off my butt, even if it is a 10-minute walk three times a day.   That's the only way to break these stalls.  You are not a failure and neither am I.  We can do this!


on 2/10/14 12:18 am - Gilbert, AZ

I am 14 months out from vsg and I stalled and stalled and would lose the same 1-2 lbs but somehow I went from 204 lbs to 113 lbs at 5 feet 3 inches. I have maintained the weightfor 2 months now and eat 1400-1500 calories a day. Keep the faith. Think months not days.

Rosie B.
on 2/10/14 5:26 am

Wow, 1400 calories... Holy cow!  thanks for the post I will think months.  I have kicked my scale under the bed so I don't weigh every day.  We all know how that goes.  No weight loss, might as well eat that cookie.  I am 5'2", so to be at 113 lbs seems the impossible dream but my surgeon seems to think I can do it in a years time.  Thanks for the reply; it gives me hope.

on 2/10/14 1:57 am
VSG on 07/12/13

It sounds like you are doing wonderful. Focusing on the positive is always the best thing!!!

Keep moving forward and Best Wishes!!!


























































































































on 2/10/14 8:18 am

Good for you.  I always have a better day when I can see my accomplishments.  They are always there, just some days harder for me to see.  It sounds like you are living life more fully.  Congratulations on all your NSV's


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