9 month stats: scale disappointment, measuring tape love, messages from the universe

VSG on 06/12/13

Weigh-in/measure in this morning on my 9 month surgiversary. I was disappointed with my weight loss until I got the measuring tape out.

This month I only lost 1.3 lbs. I'm down to 4 freaking pounds to go! I suppose, this being March and all, that there is irony in the concept of the final 4, but really, I'm ready for them to be gone. I did have a weird thing happen this month - a spike of 6 pounds in 3 days that I figured was water. It took me a week to get that off. It wasn't tied to my cycle, either. 

Then I got out the measuring tape. Last month's measurements were a bit of an anomaly, showing increases in nearly all areas. I am not sure why, if it was inaccuracy or if I was just bloated, but it wasn't during the 6 pound spike. If I compare to last month's measurements, I have lost a total of 8.25 inches this month. If I base off of January's measurements, I have lost 2.75 inches. So, I continue to lean out. To support this, my size 10 pants, which were tight a month+ ago, are now fitting really well. And, the comments keep coming about how I have continued to look slimmer and slimmer.

If I am brutally honest with myself, I got a little carb-crazy this month until about a week ago (86 grams at my highest), realized it was evil, and detoxed/backed off. I was keeping my calories in line, though. My gym routine has also seriously been disrupted because of work travel and losing my trainer. I did add tennis lessons; my first one was last week, but probably too little too late to impact seriously.

Upcoming month will be a challenge, as I'll be away from home and/or out of routine for more than half of it. Next week I am running an all week training. Then I have a normal week. Then I'm gone on vacation to London and Paris for 10 days, so lots and lots of walking there but also lots of pastries (ugh! Just say no!). I get back on Tuesday night, then Wednesday morning I fly to Breckinridge for a three day work event.

I just need to stay focused on three things:

  • Food (calories, CARBS, protein)
  • Hydration
  • Exercise.

OK universe, I hear you...



Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

Tracy D.
on 3/11/14 11:58 pm - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Laurie - you have done such a wonderful job.  You and I started this journey within weeks of each other and you have kicked major ASS!  

I'm a little jealous of all the wonderful travel you will be doing, but I'll admit it's a big challenge to stay on track during those times.  

Make sure to come back on here and post lots of pics of the slim-sexy-2.0 version of you enjoying life in London and Paris 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































VSG on 06/12/13

Thanks, Tracy!

I admit I'm sort of disappointed that I didn't get to this arbitrary number called "GOAL" by 9 months as that was a goal as well. It's good for the head game, though, as I'm realizing that this is yet another one of my issues - and by posting that, I'm forcing myself to not turn away from/give up on what I initially perceived as a failed goal, and instead reset my expectations. perhaps I should have added "head game" to my list as well?

It is important to me to get to goal as it is both my doctor's goal for me AND will put me in the century club. Of course I am going to get there. So, turning back/giving up is not an option.

I am REALLY looking forward to vacation. I generally am OK with having a bite of something and letting it go if it's someone else's goodie but feel tempted to eat it all if it's my own (that whole wasting food thing that I am not sure I am ever going to totally free myself of). So, that is my strategy there. I am sure that it will be easy to get "whole" foods in Paris. And, I will allow myself some fish and chips in London, the same as I did when I was in the UK in October. I'll just account for it, though, and ultra low-carb it for my other meals. Plus, all of the walking will be to my advantage, I am sure.

I'll answer your question about the trainer here instead of distracting Michael's thread. We spoke yesterday and he's enrolled as a member at another local gym. He's got a relationship there with the manager who said he can train there as long as he's discreet about it. The problem is that his girlfriend is intimidated by the "beautiful people" at this gym and doesn't want to work out there and so he's not sure if he'll keep the membership there. It is sort of illustrative of how old/mature this guy is, but that is a different post. I have held a membership at that gym before and it's a lot more expensive than where I am now, but it is nicer. So, he is going to let me know where he ultimately settles and I will look into what it will take to cancel my existing contract. I'm miffed that NOBODY from the gym other than my trainer has contacted me about this, which sort of fuels my passion for cancelling my contract. If I decide that it isn't worth it to cancel apparently there is a new guy, older guy, who apparently isn't sleazy like the head trainer who started all this trouble is. I figure I need to get through the next month with my crazy schedule before I can make a big change. And, I just signed up for a tennis league/practice/drills at work so I figure I can get my exercise in there, as well.

Speaking of my job, my company, Slalom Consulting, made #4 on the list of the 50 fittest companies!


I do find it ironic that the folks on the beach are pictured with beer can in hand. That is part of our culture, too.

Thanks for asking about the gym! I have been meaning to post...



Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

Tracy D.
on 3/12/14 1:45 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

You'll hit that century club, no doubts about it!  

And your company needs to make you the poster child of it's "most fit" club as a recruiting tool.  People will flock to it! :-)  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 3/12/14 4:41 am
VSG on 07/22/13
Congrats for earring such a high ranking~~your company must be awesome.


Sandy M.
on 3/12/14 12:18 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

You are doing just great Laurie!  Part of the journey (a big part) is learning to be aware; aware of what you eat, aware of what triggers you, aware of your emotions.  I expect to never be done learning, even when it's painful.

Good job!

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



VSG on 06/12/13

The never done learning is the understatement of the year! It underscores how very important it is to keep your head in the game...




Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 3/12/14 1:10 am - Austin, TX
VSG on 05/01/14 with

Hang in there, Laurie. Sorry to hear about the trainer loss. I have been thinking a lot about hiring one, and realized that I'm not really sure how to go about finding one who's a good fit. I belong to a gym, and there are trainers there, but the niceties of of interviewing(?), trying them out using a sample training session, etc. seem a bit daunting.

Good luck with all your travel plans for the next few weeks!

VSG on 06/12/13

I took advantage of a groupon that had a 3 month trial membership and 3 training sessions. it was a good way to be introduced to it. Your idea of sample training sessions is a good one.



Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 3/12/14 2:58 am - VA

I think you're a lot like me when it comes to information and numbers.  That said, you do realize what 20% means on a woman right?  That's VERY VERY lean.

I calculate you should expect the move from 25% down to 20% to take at least three months.  That's based on my observations of just how slow "good" weight loss occurs once the body fat reaches those levels.  At this point in your process, you should expect it to take 3-4 days (& maybe more) to loose 0.1% body fat.  Where as back at the beginning, you could mow through 1% a day easy.  Presumably it may slow down even further the closer you get to 20%.

Those four pounds you're chasing are PEAK performance pounds.  In fact, I think many who are reading this will bail out long before attempting that level of success.  Just getting to 25% (for women) is super super successfull.  Reaching 20% is like going for the 0.01% to add to the 99.99% success achieved so far.

There's no reason not so set your sights on it, but nine months is a tad on the unrealistic side on the timing.  Maybe twelve months is more realistic?

Lastly, there's always muscle building to consider.  You may add muscle in ways that will prevent those four pounds from ever showing up on the scale.  However, if you do that, and achieve 20% body fat, do you really care what gravity's opinion of you is?  I know I won't.


HW: 255 (6/5/13), SW: 240 (6/19/13), CW: 169 (9/16/14)

M1: -26,  M2: -17,  M3: -5,  M4: -13  M5: -12  M6: -11  M7: -8

M8-10: Skinny Maintenance (10k Training)   M11-13: On Break


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