New Member trying to soak up as much information as possible. Trying to make a decision.

on 5/30/14 5:28 pm

Hi Everyone, I've been scouring all the posts I can get my eyes on. I haven't decided 100% on surgery, but I'm pretty sure this is the direction I want/need to take, I want to do my homework though as it's a decision I don't want to take lightly.  I would appreciate any information that you think could be helpful in regards to decision making, what to expect,…and well, honestly anything at all you care to share.

I've signed up for the informational seminar held at the local hospital next week. It's one of 2 nearby hospitals that my insurance requires I go through to be covered at 100%.  A "Center of Distinction" or something like that.  I'm in my 50's, have a BMI of 35 and 3 (at least) health reasons (Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol) not to mention knee and joint pain that qualify me for this surgery.  I began having real weight problems about 15 years ago and I have lost/gained/lost/gained since then.  I could go into a multitude of details but rest assured I've done WL programs, exercise, even live in fitness camps and have not been able to maintain a loss for any substantial length of time.  I'm currently almost 30 lbs heavier than my lowest weight (not lowest ever, but since mid 2011) and about 25 lbs less than my heaviest weight.  I see myself inching back up and just want to nip it in the bud. The older I get, the harder it is to lose. The only way the weight was coming off was by exercising several hours daily, and eating about 1000-1100 calories a day. I already eat pretty healthy but have an appetite that is hard to curb. I've had to rely so much on exercise to lose, then I get curtailed by injury and it sabotages my efforts. A vicious circle. I see health concerns becoming more serious the older I get and I'm really hoping this will be the tool that finally helps me over the hump. I don't look or feel healthy, and I really want to get back into the gym and tone up while I am slimming down as well as getting in some heart healthy cardio….just not having to spend 2 or more hours a day there.

I've known several successful & happy bypass patients but only one person with the sleeve.  She's lost over 100 lbs and seems happy with her decision although I don't see or talk to her as much as I used to when she first got it.  I think for my BMI the bypass is too much, I don't want to worry about the nutrient absorption issues and I personally have not known anyone that has had the lap band and been happy with it.  The sleeve seems to be the best for my situation, based on the information I've come across so far.

I'm also scared.  Really scared.  I'm sure the "what-ifs" go through most people's minds. I know it's normal to be afraid.  Doesn't stop me from being that way though. Also, This program requires you to drink skim milk for 2 weeks pre-op and clear liquids for a day before the surgery.  I can't stomach milk.  (unless it's disguised with protein powder in a smoothie) I'm also a vegetarian and most of my proteins come from Beans, lentils, grains (Quinoa etc) and protein drinks. Can I eat these after surgery (after my liquid and pureed stages)... I do eat cheese, but not cottage, ricotta…and I don't eat eggs.  I'm a picky eater too.  Lots of things I don't tolerate well.  

Please tell me your story and advice!


White Dove
on 5/31/14 2:37 am - Warren, OH

It will be more difficult to lose and maintain when you do not eat meats.  Most of us become obese while "eating pretty healthy".  Long term success in weight loss will be from eating very healthy all of the time. 

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/31/14 5:09 am
VSG on 05/13/14

You need to talk to a nutritionist that work with bypass patients. The can tell you if with your situation wls is the best way to go. I am almost 3 weeks post op and it was the best decision I ever made. Good luck to you.

(deactivated member)
on 5/31/14 6:49 am

You sound like the perfect candidate for VSG except for the (almost vegan part ) of your diet.  It will be especially important that you find an excellent VSG dietitian and work with him/her to craft a diet that has enough protein in it so that your body does not start breaking up important organs (like your heart) and muscle to nouri****self.  VSG patients that that have lower BMI (under 40) have the best results (statistically speaking) and I can see how you can be very happy with your choice.  The diet does concern me and I really think you need to have this figured out and resolved before surgery.  You need to have a very clear understanding of what will be required.  It was, by far, the best thing I have ever done for myself health-wise, and I have recommended it to a number of my very close friends who are also very happy they did it.  I am now five years out, and you can ask me anything either in a PM or here. 

on 5/31/14 10:39 am

Thanks to all the have responded so far.  

I get so many differing opinions on my vegetarianism, not in regards to WLS, but just in everyday nutrition.  When I was at a WL camp, there was a Dr and a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist that had a Master's from Harvard.  They both disagreed in the amount of protein I needed on my 1000-1100 calorie "diet"  I was always concerned with protein intake but she assured me that a person (even a vegetarian) gets plenty of protein from everyday foods that my supplementation was not necessary.  Even if she's right though, it might be a whole different ball game with the surgery requirements and small intake.  I will be sure to raise the question at the seminar I will be attending next week.  I currently drink protein shakes almost daily.  I COULD drink they daily with no problem. I have about pre made shakes (Orgain) and protein powders (Whey Isolate) as well as plant based protein powders.  I have low sugar,carb and glycemic powders. Even a RAW protein powder that's coffee flavored.   I actually look forward to the shake part of the day.

I want to be healthy though, that's the purpose of the surgery.  I eat lentils, beans, cheese,quinoa, so it's not like I only eat fruits and veggies and skip protein sources all together.
