5 months today losing motivation

on 6/16/14 1:21 am
VSG on 01/16/14

5 months, 57 pounds, losing motivation. This sucks LOL. I think its just all in my head. I am still eating right 6 1/2 days out of the week. Im getting my protein in. I had one bad day on Saturday where I actually probably ate way too little, drank way too much, and paid for it on the scale today. Which I am really upset about because I see how totally going off plan for 1 measily day can push that scale 2 1/2 pounds up!

I need to get my backside working out. The nutritionist keeps telling me resistence training. I can't even say that I am trying that hard. I'm having difficulty balancing me, my work, my 2 kids under 6, and everything else. I need to start making the commitment to myself. I have another 40 pounds to go and no one is going to do it but me.

Thank you for letting me vent. I needed this to get myself back on track.

on 6/16/14 1:25 am - NJ
VSG on 01/14/14 with

Just think about all you did to get to this point!  Why would you not be motivated?  I know some days are hard than others but please don't stop now!  Maybe print out an old pic of what you use to look like so that it reminds you of where you came from!.

Good luck!

     VSG on 1/14/14 with Dr. Samuel Wasser


on 6/16/14 1:33 am
VSG on 01/16/14

Thanks so much :) I appreciate it. I know you and i had our surgeries around the same time. So, I follow your posts to keep me motivated too so thank yoU!

on 6/16/14 2:07 am - NJ
VSG on 01/14/14 with

Anytime!  We have to support each other through this journey.

     VSG on 1/14/14 with Dr. Samuel Wasser



on 6/16/14 1:58 am

In my line of work, one of the things you learn real quickly is to wipe out past results immediately.  What I mean is, if yesterday I sold five policies, it has no bearing on what I am going to do today.  Or, if yesterday, I just absolutely blew it and lost three clients, it will only have an effect on today if I let it.  I am trying to take that same approach to my weight loss.  Each day is a new battle, or new opportunity, or however you want to think about it.  If you just wipe from your brain whatever has happened in the past and think about how you're gonna make yourself better today, that's all that matters.  You are your best cheerleader, biggest motivator, and biggest detriment.  The fact that you wrote this post shows that you're cognizant of your decisions and desire to succeed, so keep succeeding :).  Each day we each fight a small battle, keep making sure you win more of the small battles than losing.  So far, obviously you are winning, so just keep keeping on.  As a fellow soldier (I hate saying that because I always feel like I am cheapening what soldiers go through, not mean to do that if anyone is offended) in this weight loss battle, I say I have faith in you, I have desire to see you succeed, and you will win this battle.  :)

March 2014 (366lbs) - May 29 2014 surgery date VSG (350lbs) - June 9 2014 (329lbs)


on 6/16/14 2:03 am
VSG on 01/16/14

Thank you SO much for your response to my post. I did not set out for anyone to respond. My way of holding myself accountable sometimes is to actually hit "post". LIke if I really wrote this, then I need to take action. Your words really hit home so thank you so much. It's exactly what I needed to hear. I see you are fairly new on your journey, so welcome and we look forward to having you!


on 6/16/14 2:11 am

I completely understand with the hitting "post" theory.  For me, if I offer words of encouragement and try to at least be there for others through this site, it makes me really focus on making sure I am doing what I need to do for myself or I will think of myself as a hypocrite.  Thank you for the welcome, I have been very impressed with the people on this site and how they have received me.  What a great place to be.  Have a great and successful day.

March 2014 (366lbs) - May 29 2014 surgery date VSG (350lbs) - June 9 2014 (329lbs)


on 6/16/14 2:15 am
VSG on 01/16/14

I only found this site 2 days after I had surgery. Everyone is really receptive. They have all been at the same place at some point in time. I have found wealth of support here. No question is too little or too stupid. Lots of information and lots of tips and tricks. I have learned when to call the doctor or maybe what's going on to when to not have to worry. This is a huge emotional journey that although I have HUGE support in my husband and family, only people who have actually had the surgery, truly understand.

Tracy D.
on 6/16/14 3:22 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Wonderful advice!  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































Tracy D.
on 6/16/14 3:26 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Emily - I don't believe you are really losing motivation.  No, I think you are beating yourself up for some not-so-great choices over a couple hours and the results on the scale.  Keep this in mind about the scale:  there is NO WAY you gained 2.5 lbs. of fat in one day.  No way, physically impossible!  

What DID happen is that whatever you ate/drank the day before caused an inflammatory response in your body (sugar and sugar-free products do that to me) and your body did what it's designed to do when it feels like it's under attack.  And that is to retain water - LOTS of water!   That's all those 2.5 lbs. are, hon.   It's not a reason to get down on yourself or to feel like you don't know what you're doing or that you can't do it.  Because YOU CAN!  If the last 5 months have proven anything it's proven that you are doing this and doing a really good job at it too   

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15


















































