What you wish someone would have told you??

on 6/28/14 9:40 pm

The first couple of days have been the worse for me. I'm at hospital now. The gas and nausea. Walk walk walk. Stop talking pain pump slows everything down and you don't get to walk cause ur so sleepy. Lemonade! So good! The Lortab liquid they tried to give me made me through up and the Spiro meter as well. I do feel better today though and hope day 3 gets better. Good luck.

Say broth one more time!  


HW 280 SW 264 GW 180  CW 244 M1 -13lbs M2 TBD  M3 TBD  M4 TBD M5 TBD  M6 TBD  M7 TBD  M8 TBD  Surgery June 27, 2014 HT- 5'8"  

on 6/29/14 11:20 am, edited 6/29/14 11:20 am

I hope it gets better...Thanks for the info!!

Corina C
on 6/29/14 12:03 am

The last supper.  I wish someone had told me about having the last supper to help me through the time that I was sip sip sip sipping all those liquids. I think having that immediate memory to help me through would have helped.  So if you haven't had your last supper, please do so. 

on 6/29/14 11:07 am, edited 6/29/14 11:14 am

Thanks for the info...I'll be in New Orleans the day before my pre-op diet I'm sure I'll be able to find a delicious last supper :)

on 6/29/14 4:13 am - AL
VSG on 03/13/14

The first 3 days ARE the worst, even if you don't have much pain...just be sure to drink water ONLY; a nurse accidentally brought me some crystal light on day 2 & I threw it up; clear water only for the first 3 days girl.  & I also had no idea in the world what Ketosis was/is...look into that because it happens.  I keep SF peppermints in my purse & don't care if I have stinky pee if I'm losing weight...tmi but I didn't know what ketosis was prior to WLS.  Best of luck with your surgery & recovery & being on your way to feeling amazing.


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 6/29/14 4:57 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Its not so much that people didn't tell me...but I had a hard time believing them. That I would start out not being able to eat an ounce and then move on to being able to eat 3-4 in a meal and that I could basically eat all day long if I wanted to. In terms of calories I am sure I can consume 5000 a day easily if I pace myself. I wish I had believed this and taken it fully on board from the start and made sure I had developed strategies to prevent this. I am doing well, at my doctor's predicted weight for me and staying within a 3 lb range. But it sure is hard some days...just be prepared! The tiny clothes and the compliments are great but they don't get rid of the cravings and that food monkey on your back. 

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



(deactivated member)
on 6/29/14 5:43 am

Things I wish someone had told me....

1) Expect miracles--yes, you have to work your butt off to get them, but they are just around the corner.  You will not believe how amazing you will look and feel when you commit to this process.

2) This is hard work, and if you just go with the flow, the flow will eventually stop and you will start to gain your weight back.  You have to work for it; it gets harder with time; and it's really worth all the effort.

3) You have obesity.  Obesity is a disease that is degenerative and incurable.  Losing weight does not mean you are cured, it just means that you are in remission, for now.  If/when you stop paying attention, the weight will find you again.  Staying mindful is for life or for as long as you wish to keep your weight loss.  

4) Journaling your food is one of the best tools to losing weight.  Keep track of every bite, count calories, protein grams, carbs and fats. 

5) Make sure that your program is designed to get you to YOUR goal.  Different doctor's have different goals and expectations and different programs.  Make sure your doctor's program and your expectations are in alignment. 

6) Hunger is not an emergency, you can wait until your next meal.  Drink if you are hungry, there is a good chance that you are just dehydrated.

7) Don't graze. Ever.

8) Don't drink your calories, unless it's the protein shakes you need to meet your protein goals. 

9) Listen to the VETS, but don't surrender your point of view and common sense.  Take full responsibility for your program, your compliance and your progress.

10) Your attitude will in large part determine your progress.  Don't beat yourself up for small failures, figure out what caused them and fix the problem.  There is no room on this journey for shame or guilt.  You are incredibly fortunate to be living during a time in history when this miraculous option is available to you.  Take full advantage and enjoy the ride.  Good luck to you and to all of us.  

on 6/29/14 1:46 pm - TN
VSG on 01/14/14

Listen to the VETS, but don't surrender your point of view and common sense.  Take full responsibility for your program, your compliance and your progress.

I love this statement.  I truly value the advice and opinions of all people who have successfully tread this water before me but that doesn't mean I have to take everything they did and make it mine.  This process is mine...I own it...and I'm accountable only to myself and not to anyone who doesn't agree with what I do or believe.  This is truly great advice, Elina!


 M1 -26, M2 -14, M3 -14, M4 -12, M5 -12, M6 -11, M7 -10, M8 -12, M9 -5, Goal Reached 9 months and 14 days



on 6/29/14 5:52 am

People can tell you exactly what to expect and means nothing to you put those shoes on and walk in them. You will be fine! Stay educated with your Dr. and this site, connect with people, read, read, read...then pray, relax and let the journey begin... (I'm 5 days post-op and have not felt this good in  at least 2 years! Hope everything goes perfect for you!

on 6/29/14 6:17 am

I had sleeve june 10th and it was easy. I had my done in vegas and day I left hospital I walked the strip I would take breaks but I was good. I love my sleeve I already lost 18 pounds. Today went to store and got size L leggings how can I not love this. I had no pain once I got home. good luck

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