"Lump" feeling around diaphragm then throw up

on 7/22/14 11:37 am

I'm 15 days post op and managing well with mostly liquids, pudding, yogurt, custard etc.  Started very soft, milky scrambled egg a couple days ago and it goes down fine - but only 3 tablespoons or so.  Four times in the last 10 days I have experienced a feeling of a lump in my chest, salivating like crazy and after an hour or so of suffering I throw up.  Last night and tonight it happened a couple hours after eating when I took a sip of a drink.  Since it happened last night I was super careful tonight to be very aware of each spoonful of food, eating slowly and not going one spoon more than what was comfortable and it still happened.  I have wondered about the egg as I've heard it can be difficult for some people but I can have a couple tablespoons earlier in the day with no problem.  The evenings seem to be the problem time for me.  What do you think?  Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.



VSG 07/07/14

on 7/22/14 12:06 pm

I was told no scrambled eggs for 6 Months, as they get stuck...


on 7/22/14 12:08 pm

Hey Trudy, I was told no scrambled eggs for 6 Months as they get stuck. So maybe that is why you are throwing up with the lump in your chest. Good luck I hope this helps. Jlgordo


on 7/22/14 12:33 pm

Hi there, I find it so amazing how there are so many different pre op and post op diet plans out there.  Strange isn't it?  Regardless, my body is telling me that something isn't right and the only thing I can think of is the eggs.  So I am going to take those off the menu for a while and see how it goes.  

Thanks for your response.



VSG 07/07/14

on 7/22/14 3:15 pm

That is the reaction I get if I ate to fast or a spoon too much.  My doctor said no scrambled eggs but poached or soft boiled are okay because the runny yoke helps it slide down smoother. 



Consult weight 4/7/14: 381.5   SW 7/1/14:


on 7/22/14 8:53 pm
VSG on 07/09/13

Eggs were not an easy food for me.  Simply, stay away from them right now and try again at a later time.  I can eat anything now but small quantities.  I don't eat a lot of what I did prior to surgery.  Tastes do change over time.



Learn from your family history and rewrite yours!

on 7/23/14 2:38 am

It's funny but while I'm eating soft eggs I feel fine and they go down with no problem - slowly and chewing very well.  But a couple hours later when I take a drink all heck breaks loose and I start salivating like crazy and it doesn't end well!  I can only think it's the eggs that are causing problems so I'll just eliminate those for a while and see how it goes.  Thanks!


VSG 07/07/14

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 7/23/14 3:46 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Hi Trudy, sounds like the eggs are the culprit! I had soft boiled eggs first and scrambled only about three months after surgery. Sounds from your description like the "foamies" which I have only read about, never had myself. People say it can be caused by type of food or quantity or speed in eating. Hope for you it goes away and you manage the eggs after some time. How are you doing otherwise? Take care!!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120


