Surgery was approved! Not everyone in my life is excited

Vicky Y.
on 10/28/20 4:48 pm
VSG on 12/07/20

Hi all,

My surgeon's office submitted to my insurance for approval on Monday, and surprisingly they received a letter the next day saying it was approved! Even though the office told me I should be fine, I was surprised that it happened so quick. I have been going back and forth with this decision for the last 2 years but in July decided this is what I what I want to do for my health and my happiness. It has been kind of hard telling all of my friends and family about this because I know how some of them feel about it. I've had some friends and family tell me they don't think I need it, and that I shouldn't do it. Just a little background I am 27 5'2 I weigh 240 and have been overweight pretty much my whole life. I have tried dieting and exercising but I barely lose weight. If I lose any I gain it back pretty soon. I am aware of what I am doing to my body and that the surgery isn't a magical fix. I already have to mentally prepare myself to work out and eat right, but it would be easier if I had the support of everyone close to me. I guess I am wondering if you all experienced the same thing, and how you've been able to look past the stigma of people thinking you're "cheating" or having people tell you to work out instead?

on 11/2/20 12:08 pm


When I was approved, I only told my family--there were yays & nays. It's your body & you're doing it for your health. It's no one business what's going on.

When someone asked if I lost weight. I smiled-why yes--alot of blood, sweat, tears & cussing. It's my secret!!!

Good luck, take care.

on 12/23/20 12:24 pm - Winamac, IN

When it all comes down to it......This is totally your decision! No one knows what you're going through and as much as I hate to say it, they don't really care. Everyone has an opinion! This is about you and how you feel about your decision to do something for YOU. No on has the right to make you feel guilty about your decision nor make you feel bad about it. Don't feel bad about it, do it for you!

Wishing you success in your decision.

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