The Silver Lining

Jan 01, 2010

So, I was really down on Tuesday when I found out that my surgery is being postponed until March due to an emergency with my surgeon, anyhow I slept most of the day, because I was depressed, well that evening I got up and jumped on the computer, I checked OH website for updates, my facebook page, and then my myspace. Well on my myspace page I had 2 friend request, when I saw the last name of the two people requesting me to add them, I began to shake and cry . . . it was my biological father's children, my brother and sister, that I never even knew I had. I have known since I was 14 that my dad wasnt my "real dad", and I have searched for him for quite some time,I had even found him, but was too damn chicken shit to contact him. And the kicker is, that he only lives 3 miles away from me! We after an emotional evening of talking to my brother and sister on the phone, I finally after 38 years spoke to my father. We all met on Wednesday and looked at baby pictures of them and I brought some of me as well. Yesterday my father and I had lunch alone and really got to talk. Since then I have met one of my cousins and spoke to several of my sousins and my aunt, who i look just like. I finally know who I look like now and this has been truely amazing. 2010 is going to be a great year for me, having surgery in March and getting to know my father and his family.

