OMG..accountability...where have you been???

Nov 01, 2010

Accountability use to be my best friend. Always on my mind and something that I talked to and wrote to daily. Suddenly, it seems that it disappeared and's been over a month since I wrote my last blog. Time flies..even when your not having fun but seems to go faster when you are. For the first two weeks of Oct I was doing great...working out at the gym,  and no problem staying on program 5 out of 7 days a week. happened...what happened??? I am not sure...but it did happen...I just gave in...let my temptations take over me. I ate whatever I wanted for not just 1 week but for 2 1/2 weeks...I had the dreaded foods that I was forever enslaved to prior to WLS...fried chicken, french fries, fish, dips, cookies, cakes, brownies, fluffy stuff with fruit and nuts in them.  You name it and I ate it. So the end result, yep as much as I dreaded it I knew I had to get on the scale. That's my good 'ole accountability tool that I had been avoiding like the plague. So last night after I ate the candy for the trick or treaters and my late night cereal snack I said "hop on the scale and in the morning I will plan my meals for the day. " So the scaled showed a 9 lb gain, that is just disgusting but it's the slap in the face that i needed. I am so thankful that it isn't more than what it is. I mean 9 lbs if I stay on program I should be able to lose that within 1 month. I am supposed to be maintaining my goal, after all that is what maintenance is about. So this morning I planned my meal, I had all protein today plus 1 Atkins bar for my snack.

So last night I am glad that I made myself do it...I got on  the dreaded scale. Honestly, it's not my scales fault but I have to take control of myself. RNY is a gift that was given to me, I must treat it kindly and do the best that I can do. I know about all the rules and I have heard all the ways that people cheat. I don't like cheating...period. I am back to the program and detoxing my body from that fatty food and from all those carbs. I know this week will be tough but it's going to be so worth it to be comfortable and back to my new normal self.

Today I love myself, I am worth every bit of work and effort. I may have gained 9 lbs but I can and will get that back off. I deserve to be happy and comfortable. My journey may not be easy but I love myself enough to get through the toughest parts.

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