Christmas Dress Blues

Dec 01, 2011

Ok, this is gonna seem a bit backwards and is no means an accurate reflection of my overall mental state.

All that being said. . .I am hating shopping for a size 14 christmas dress.

Yes, I used to be a 22-24.
Yes, I'm excited as hell to be trying on evan picones instead of layne bryants.
Yes, I have a real waist now and look TONS better in every single thing I try on.

But now I actually care. A dress that would have wowed the pants off me before I just say, nah, it makes me look bigger than I know my waist is now. A dress that I never would have imagined trying on and makes my waist look itty bitty and my newly shrunken chest look huge gets rejected cause it shows my new batwings. A dress that is da bomb in its funkiness gets stuck back on the rack cause I can see a tiny bump at my hipline of skin flap and I'm not sure a spanks type garment will smooth it out enough.

How effed up is that, to be frustrated because I look so much better that now my standards are through the roof and maybe unrealistic?

Sheesh, I'm a mess. :)

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