Sep 30, 2011

Nope, that wasn't sarcasm. That was an epiphany of sorts.

I'll say this in honor of a lot of wise vets out there who used to make me mad when I read how 'unsupportive' they were of peoples mistakes. I used to think, hey, I've cheated, and 'gotten away with it' and ya know what? I regret it. I have done well, really well so far, but I think about that little piece of cake I managed, or the day I drank tons of coffee and very little water, and I think--what could i have accomplished if I had stayed on track that day? How many more pounds would I have lost by now? How much further along would I mentally be in being ready to maintain?  Because then I have a good day--all my protien, minimal carbs, all my water, and the weight loss is huge shortly thereafter. Can I cheat and have this thing work in these first months, and maybe even get to goal? Sure, cause I had a great surgeon who did a perfect sleeve with great restriction. Is that in my best interest? Hell no, cause when the honeymoon is over, I won't have changed and can't maintain a healthy lifestyle if I don't start these patterns while its easy.

I can't change fast. It's not in my nature. I can't cold turkey anything. But I can make gradual habit changes that over time will build on each other and last. Especially with positive reinforcement of those changes. I started substituting organic chicken breast with gluten free breading for our processed chicken nuggets. I started introducing whole grains into our starches, (what little I eat of them).  Do we still have processed meals and instant mashed potatoes? Sure, but thats not ALL we have now, and as time goes on I think we can swing into a healtheir lifestyle. My kids are benefiiting too--they have their dad's skinny-man metabolism, but I think the healthier eating will help them in their focusing in school, and their overall health in life. Besides, his metabolism is slowing down and he could use the extra help too ;)

I don't dwell on the mistakes, but I don't brush them under the rug as unimportant either or laugh them off. I recognize them for bad decisions that don't have to be made the same way in the future. 
 I think the key for me is that yesterday may not have been perfect, but that doesn't mean I can't try again tomorrow, and the day after that. If I shoot for the moon and get 99% of the way there, it's still a hell of a view.  

So to the vets, thank you for standing firm--I actually dug up some of those posts that used to upset me--and realized it was my own damn guilt that was upsetting me, not the posts. They were gently but firmly written (for the most part ;)). I hope I can present that delicate blend of support and firmness I read from so many of you when someday I reach goal, and become someone those folks look to for info.

