4 days post op.

Apr 14, 2014

Hi World,


So I just wanted to update everyone on my progress, I just had the surgery on Thursday. What was supposed to be a robotic VSG ended up being a laparoscopic VSG. This was kind of expected, kind of unexpected. What happened was the machine didn't quite lay correctly over the holes they put in my stomach so they had to re-position the holes for laparoscopic. Externally I have only 5 holes but internally apparently I have a few more. No big deal, sacrifice right. Regardless I woke up with nausea from the underworld and I don't mean to be rude but my chest felt like it had a 40 lb weight on it, apparently the second complaint there is due to the gas they fill you with which believe me was worse than the nausea. I must have been quite dehydrated too before surgery, (my bad) which fluxuated my temperature pretty nasty, so instead of going home friday afternoon my nausea and temperature didn't quite escape so I left Saturday around 10am.   


Since coming home Saturday, I have been walking around and mostly doing everything for myself my mom has been kind of grabbing things for me or helping me out of the chair if i am back to far because believe me leaning forward and using my abdominal muscles to sit up feels like pure pain. Kinda funny watching my get up when no one is around I roll onto the floor and use my legs to push myself up. I can't sit straight up right now which is okay. My sister doesn't quite understand what it is like, although she is a nurse, She took me "shopping" yesterday which was nice to be up and walking around. I was a tiny bit dizzy and I also felt a bit nauseous and, not to be gross but its my reality, my bowel movements are a bit uncomfortable and loose. So when walking around a craft store and you are holding everything in you feel a bit gross and she wants  to walk every aisle, I almost collapsed by fabrics because I turned to fast but we kept trucking.  We ended up having to "run" to the ladies room two stores over because I really had to go and craft stores don't have rest rooms. I got a container of unsweetened decaffeinated iced tea which was quite good and hit the spot.We then went about an hour later to the movies to see Oculus, which I don't know if anyone is interested in seeing it but its quite a let down of an ending. Like everything leading up to the end was pretty good but the actual end  was just kinda short scripted and a bit lacking the real terror I was hoping for. Though I have to say It had a few really good jump scares. And that mom, ehh *shiver*. Anyway a missing stomach and burping during the kinda scary parts kept my sister from keeping the lights on all night so it was nice. 

I am starting to crave solids a bit more than the first couple days. I couldn't even look at jello on Friday or Saturday but it is okay now. I smelled my mom making chili yesterday and in my head I wanted the whole pot but my stomach was also understanding that wasn't going to happen. I did taste the chili sauce with my finger, which was enough to satisfy my mental craving for the time being. My sister got popcorn with garlic parmesan and my stomach actually growled in the movie theater. But i stuck to my water and have been able to have like half a protein shake because honestly the flavor of them is getting grainy to me. I am finding it hard to drink the full 64 oz of water a day but I do like decaf tea and crystal light waters. 

Anyhow, my mom asks me daily if i regret making the decision. It is 4 days in, so as of right now, No, though I am sure that will remain that answer indefinitely. Although I crave things like burgers and chinese mentally I am also tired of feeling like i could eat four burgers and two meals of chinese or do a four over filled and then clean plates at a chinese buffet. I know this surgery is a tool not a miracle, that if I eat incorrectly or if I force things I can stretch my stomach. I am not looking for a miracle I just want something to teach me to eat something and not feel like I am still starving, No one is perfect. I will make mistakes, I will hit a plateau, I will eat something I couldn't in the beginning I may gain a pound or have an issue but I think as of right now I couldn't help but thank my doctor for giving me a chance at the age of 23 to begin a new life.

-Jillie Bean 4/14/14

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