One Month Later---

Jun 12, 2014

I told you I would write my next post when I went under 300... Well I am at 287, so oops... I forgot to keep in touch. I find it hard to quit grazing but i also learned to start eating 3 small "meals" or meal replacements and limiting my grazing by only grabbing a serving rather than the bag... p.s. the small 6oz cups you can get at Kmart for like a dollar for 50 of them are great when grabbing somewhat portion sized snacks. Like I have trail mix that a serving is 1/4 cup so I will fill what i feel is about a third of the cup and sit and watch a show or something and usually by the time i am ready for bed I am throwing part of it out anyway... Which if i had the bag in front of me I would eat all of the trail mix because instead of struggling to grab the peanut in the mini cup I am grabbing handfuls and gorging myself until i feel nauseous. And yes I am not afraid to admit I still do that from time to time. 

I mean baby steps right. I am finally feeling a bit more confident. I am walking more and I have started 'jogging' and walking to bump it up a pace. Jog is in quotes because welll... it more like coordinated tripping... I will jog a quarter mile walk a quarter and then turn around and jog a quarter walk a quarter in a mapped trail that has the mile markers for runners... so I am going about a mile a day... I have a fitness membership but I struggle with getting up early enough to get there... or feel like running there after work at 11pm. I mean I should really get there but i feel silly going there alone, but excuses excuses right. 

I do find myself yelling at myself if I do something dumb like grab a bag of chips rather than a piece of fruit or buy a smoothie rather than make my own with my blender. P.S. Magic Bullets are magic... They are convenient if you find the extra 3 mins to put the concoction together the night before, wake up throw in some ice blend it and grab and go. its highly efficient. I will make a smoothie with chocolate protein powder, milk, peanut butter and banana, delicious. I tried one with blueberry and chocolate alone but the banana just tastes better, and I will use the Baby food I have left over from stage 3 of post op to create something different... GOD BLESS THE MAN WHO INVENTED BLENDING.

Issues I am coming across. Clothing! Now that I am down 50 lbs clothing is literally like throwing on sacks of cloth. Some of my favorite cute clothes are like drapes. Not that I am complaining but I dont make the money while paying what I am monthly to also pay on school loans, car insurance, credit cards, and hospital bills to also go on a shopping binge and buy the things I find cute... especially when they wont fit in another year. Frustrating to say the least. Chinese Cravings, I used to love hitting the buffet, now even a quarter cup of the wonder is not comfy to keep down. I would continue but my laptop is running out of charge and I am not plugged in.

Next blog will come at 270... Maybe 250... depends. ttys hopefully.



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Apr 06, 2014
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