
May 12, 2014

I work in a job where every other weekend I have off. This is both great because I can see my family hug my lovely dog and shop right after I get my pay check. But it is also dangerous because I don't tend to be home much on weekends so eating out happens often. I am now at 5 weeks out so I can eat more things now that i couldn't the last four weeks, though I am not supposed to be eating most of them. (Aka I had a bite of a cinnamon bun, it was delicious.) But it also  means I can eat McDonalds McNuggets and some other wonders of the fast food venture. This is the evil that I knew I was going to face but I need to get a new habit a new challenge and a new thing to keep my mind, hands and body occupied so I don't sit at my computer at 2:33am eating a small part of a sandwich and blogging. 

The other thing is my job is beginning to bore me to death, not that its not physical but the people i work with are mainly jerks and the work is so repetitive that I feel like a trained monkey more than a college graduate. I want to go back to school take up business or engineering something I actually have to think to do... Maybe after that get a job that pays well enough that i can finally move out by like 25... move to california or even just a few miles away to have my own place. 

I want to start a youtube series on weight loss as well as an educational channel on Art History. But its so hard when I work 40 hr weeks and get home at 11pm.I should go to sleep shortly... Though getting up poses a challenge seeing as my dog is sleeping on my feet, and shes so darn cute. I am letting you know, I am not going to blog again until I get below 300 It will be my own way of treating myself, blogging ;) 


About Me
Apr 06, 2014
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