Signing all the Papers

Apr 21, 2010

Today I went over all the pre-op consent forms. Boy do they like to have all their bases covered. I had to initial, date and repeat in 2 sentences what each paragraph said. I am fine with all that, but I did get nervous at one issue. I am self-paying. If there are complications, they want me to understand that I may incur financial hardship because the insurance company will not cover any complications arising out of this surgery. It is quite a gamble on my part. When I found out the insurance would not cover my RnYprocedure, I was secretly relieved.  I had felt that the VSG was really the procedure for me. So since they definitely don't cover that, I just took the plunge and set the date for the VSG. I simply could not go through the uncertainty and fighting with the insurance co. And getting the time off takes months of planning--I have clients scheduled way ahead, and well, you get the picture.
I went to a group meeting and the surgeon commented that a positive attitude is so important. So, I am going to remain very upbeat and excited and follow all the directions. I am most nervous about the first 2 weeks being on liquids only. Stocking up on some of the protein drinks and other stuff. Frankly, just looking to get this first phase over with!!


About Me
San Francisco, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2010
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