3 week stall

Aug 08, 2010

Well I haven't posted for awhile--life has definitely taken up more time these days.  Work is very busy, we are planning a big move to another town, and we had relatives out visiting us last month. I was really taken off course with my eating regime. Even though it is difficult to eat out (you all know what I mean), we did. I was drinking wine, and grazing--both no-no's. At least for me.
Soo, last week after seeing my surgeon for the 3 month post-op, I am going to try and get back into the game seriously. He advised me to track all my foods (which I wasn't doing ) and to worry less about the protein intake than the calorie intake. Which surprised me.  He also said to limit my calories to 600 a day! That, my friends is very hard. In any case, I am trying to stay between 800 to 1000 cals a day. 600 is pretty tough to do. But it was a wake-up call. I've taken stock, and realized I was sneaking back to the same old habits like bread, potatoes, snacking without thinking. Eating nuts (which I knew was not recommended!) and drinking alcohol (although not a lot in the grand scheme). I am down 40lbs, so don't want to beat myself up, but I know I can do better. 
I found an app for my IPnone called MyFitnessPal. It's also online. A GREAT food tracking tool. Lists carbs, protein and sugar as well. You can also get it online.
I will let you know if helps!!

June 12

Jun 12, 2010

Hi Friends,
Been a little busy, so haven't check in for awhile. Im now down almost 29# so that is good. Finally starting to fit into some clothes I haven't worn in a couple of years. My mood is good, my energy is up, so friends and family are especially pleased, LOL!

I mentioned I was having a problem with regurgitation occasionally. I figured I was eating too much too fast (duh) and have started to be extra vigilant about listening to my body. Having worked in the restaurant biz, and as a hairdresser for so many years, the habit to inhale food in a matter of seconds is a tough one to chane. Also the choice of food is  key. Still find chicken and certain other meats uncomfortable to digest--it is only about 5 weeks out--so am trying to be aware of that too.
Fluids are going okay. Have dumped the protein drinks, I am so over those. I did get some protein bars to supplement. Next goal is to up the exercise.  
Hope everyone is doing great,
Happy Summer!


Memorial Weekend

Jun 01, 2010

Hi Friends!
Had a nice relaxing long weekend, hope you did too. Actually went out to a great restaurant for dinner. Ordered the halibut. Amazing how small a portion it takes to feel really full!! Some old habits are hard to break though. Like drinking while eating. Now I only took very small sips, but it does interfere with how much food you can eat in one sitting. Also had a glass of wine (first one in over 3 months) and it took 1 1/2 hours to drink. (had that after I finished dinner)
I still eat too fast at times, still working on that. On Sunday I felt like I was knoshing all day long-had a non-fat frozen yogurt with blueberries. It was yummy. This morning I weighed in and was sure that I would have gained, or at least stayed the same, but no, I lost 2 pounds. So was very relieved. I feel physically better every day.  
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Wasn't an angel, but didn't misbehave too badly. Must remember that I've been given a TOOL and need to use it properly!!
Sending good thoughts out to everyone, and new friends too!!

Checking IN

May 27, 2010

Hi all.
Just a quick check in before the long weekend! Doing well now. I am eating more variety of foods. Can't wait for next week, I'll be a month out and will start eating a more "regular" diet. Still a challenge to get in all the protein. I am 22 pounds down. Feeling good and fitting into more clothes!! (I have many sizes, lol) One problem I experienced this past week was regurgitation. I simply did not stop eating soon enough, and ate too much. Also, I always ate very fast, so that has been an adjustment. Trying hard to break that bad habit.
Hope to play some golf and ride the bike this weekend. No rain, PLEASE!
Happy thoughts to all!
A Memorial Day Thank-you to our military folks for your service to our country, and to those that gave their lives for us.

12 days post-op

May 15, 2010

Well, I went back to work on Tuesday. It's not been easy. My stamina is pretty low. It seems the pattern is feeling great one day, and I'm pretty tired the next. I would recommend taking 2 weeks off for this procedure. Not only can you recuperate, but you have the time to get all your fluids in and get your strength back. As for any pain, nausea, or other physical ailments, almost nada!  It's amazing how the body heals itself. I did break the rules a bit, and had a bit of non-fat yogurt yesterday. I was really feeling low, and felt that something more substantial than a protein drink would help. I had it over some jello. So today, having jumped that fence, I scrambled an egg. Heaven!! After waking up very tired and weak (and slightly dehydrated possibly) I made sure to have my liquids and the egg and maybe a tablespoon of yogurt.
One thing I haven't mentioned that may contribute to my fatigue, is that prior to surgery I was taking low dose Hormone replacement therapy.  I stopped those a few weeks before the procedure, and haven't resumed them yet. My hot flashes are coming back and my wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night routine has resumed. So I will probably start taking those again, if just to get a full night's rest. Surgeon mentioned it would slow weight loss, but I have to function.  Anyone who is going through menopause, you know what I mean!!
That's about it. I am down 17 pounds since pre-sugery, Yipee!!
Hugs to all.
1 comment

Day 4

May 07, 2010

Wow, so much better. Although I woke up in the middle of the night sore and feeling just blecchhy.
I am so obsessed with keeping hydrated, lol, I bring my bottle to bed with me. I really felt hunger early this morning. Not stomach hunger, but my body really wanted some nutrition. That is a first with me, pretty different! So I turned over and had another little sleep. When I got up I decided to make some actual Campbell's  98% fat free mushroom soup (don't know if this is right or wrong, but I didn't care) and added a packet of my protein-infused-chicken-powder-cream-pretend-soup and water of course. I strained the whole thing after it came to a boil, and let me tell you, it was mm, mm, good. Hah!  Decided to have the same for dinner.  I'm guessing about 3-4 ounces a go. So, my first meals of the week really.
Have to say, I'm getting house crazy. I will be going out with a girlfriend tomorrow to walk the dogs, and am so looking forward to it. Just some company! That's about it. I called the doctor's office with regard to taking PrilosecOTC right away, they said yes. So I'm taking them. Whatever helps. Also made post-op appt.
I do burp once in awhile, a little uncomfortable. But all other body functions are moving along...
I start work on Tuesday--just 4 haircuts. I just feel I still need to get my stamina back, it's only day 4, so I think I'll be fine.
Hope this helps anyone who reads it!!
Hugs to all my fellow VSGers

3 Days post VSG

May 06, 2010

Well, here I am with my new sleeve! Everything went pretty well. It turns out that I had a hiatal (sp?) hernia which he fixed. Thank God for valium I took the night before the surgery. No matter how prepared you are, it is quite a serious undertaking and there is no getting around the nerves. But the staff at the hospital were fantastic.
My one night in hospital was not really restful, per se. Nausea was bothersome, and let's face it, hospital wards are loud. I would recommend you ask for earplugs (which they have) --sounds funny, but I'm used to them because my guy is a snorer.
My chief concern is getting fluids, and protein in. Feeling kind of weak this am, but am determined to finish my protein drink.
Now speaking of drinks: I could tolerate a bit of the chicken soup, but the fruit protein drinks taste vile to me right now. So sweet stuff is not cutting it. I'm doing okay with vanilla protein as well as ice chips, sips of water, and decaff green tea. Tums help immensely. Also the chewable vitamins are working.
Goal for today is to move about a bit more.
1 comment

Signing all the Papers

Apr 21, 2010

Today I went over all the pre-op consent forms. Boy do they like to have all their bases covered. I had to initial, date and repeat in 2 sentences what each paragraph said. I am fine with all that, but I did get nervous at one issue. I am self-paying. If there are complications, they want me to understand that I may incur financial hardship because the insurance company will not cover any complications arising out of this surgery. It is quite a gamble on my part. When I found out the insurance would not cover my RnYprocedure, I was secretly relieved.  I had felt that the VSG was really the procedure for me. So since they definitely don't cover that, I just took the plunge and set the date for the VSG. I simply could not go through the uncertainty and fighting with the insurance co. And getting the time off takes months of planning--I have clients scheduled way ahead, and well, you get the picture.
I went to a group meeting and the surgeon commented that a positive attitude is so important. So, I am going to remain very upbeat and excited and follow all the directions. I am most nervous about the first 2 weeks being on liquids only. Stocking up on some of the protein drinks and other stuff. Frankly, just looking to get this first phase over with!!


The Date is Set!

Apr 19, 2010

Well it's been awhile since I have posted anything. My insurance company denied my request for the RouxNy, so after weeks of waiting, I had to step back and regroup. In the end, I decided to go back to  my original choice of the Vertical Gastrectomy, and self-pay. The paying I'm not so happy about, but I'm very happy about the VG! My surgery date is May 3rd!
Went for all the blood work, X-Ray and EKG today. I also attended a group meeting that LapSF has every month. I met a lady that is 7 years post lapband. She lost 100 pounds, and is very pleased. It was good to hear from others there also that the surgeon is one of the best, and that they are very well thought of. Actually, even the EKG tech said that Dr. Jossart is a very good doctor. So overall, I am feeling quite better about going forward. The next step now would be to start testing some of the protein drinks and get  myself as well informed and prepared as possible.
That's it for now.

Making the Decision

Mar 06, 2010

 I've been thinking about having WLS for about a year now and finally went to see a surgeon last October. I was initially going to do the gastric band, and then decided to go for the Vertical Gastrectomy only to find out that my insurance will not cover it. Sooo, now I am contemplating the Roux N Y. I just didn't feel the Band was for me. I have recently had my 50 year old test (colonoscopy) and last week had an Upper GI. Was told I have a small ulcer, so I sure hope this doesn't affect my ability to have the RNY.
I really want to do this, but still have strong reservations about such a drastic move. Just so tired of being overweight, tired of fighting this losing battle. This is the heaviest I have ever been. So right now my 50's really suck!! I'm a hairdresser too, and looks and youth really mean a lot in my profession. I have to work for at least 10 more years and won't make it  if I continue in this poor physical shape. I guess I'm at a low point now. So, it's time for a positive change!!!
I am going to call the doctor next week, and will soon be scheduling the surgery. I shall return!

About Me
San Francisco, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2010
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