June 12

Jun 12, 2010

Hi Friends,
Been a little busy, so haven't check in for awhile. Im now down almost 29# so that is good. Finally starting to fit into some clothes I haven't worn in a couple of years. My mood is good, my energy is up, so friends and family are especially pleased, LOL!

I mentioned I was having a problem with regurgitation occasionally. I figured I was eating too much too fast (duh) and have started to be extra vigilant about listening to my body. Having worked in the restaurant biz, and as a hairdresser for so many years, the habit to inhale food in a matter of seconds is a tough one to chane. Also the choice of food is  key. Still find chicken and certain other meats uncomfortable to digest--it is only about 5 weeks out--so am trying to be aware of that too.
Fluids are going okay. Have dumped the protein drinks, I am so over those. I did get some protein bars to supplement. Next goal is to up the exercise.  
Hope everyone is doing great,
Happy Summer!


About Me
San Francisco, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2010
Member Since

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