Just Keep Swimming.....

Jan 07, 2010

It has been a LONG time since I have posted anything here - shame on me!  Guess I am not much of a blogger....don't like to write much.

I am now over 9 months post op with a weight loss of around 105 pounds since surgery date.  I am wearing a size 14/16 shirt/pants -- first time in over 25 years -- it never ceases to amaze me.  However, at this point, the dreaded plateaus have hit big time and the wonderful honeymoon period must be officially over with.  I still want to lose 40 more pounds - that is the bad news -- the good news is that I only need to lose another 10 pounds or so to be no longer considered obese by the medical world!!!! 

So I keep moving on.....as Dori said on "Finding Nemo".....just keep swimming, just keep swimming.....that is how I feel right now.  Carbs get me down -- they make me hungry (even the good whole wheat type of carbs) -- and I find I struggle with the "grazing" that hits everyone at one time or another.  But in spite of all that I am not gaining weight, but not really am losing either.  Time for me to get back into some kind of exercise regime (which I was so good about in the early days of the post op experience). 

I want to run a 5K race some day, so I need to start working on that.  I have exercise equipment -- just got to get into some kind of routine -- make myself get up early.  Hard to do right now, especially with the colder weather.  No excuse though -- I mean, come on, I live in California, for pete's sake!  Weather here is a piece of cake compared to most parts of the country this time of year!  Definitely not a good excuse. 

Had alot of stress in my life this year -- lost my job a year ago October, and my husband just lost his job after working for the company for 25 years, in November.  We are short selling our home, and have thousands in credit card debt and a daughter who is a first year senior (she just transferred) at a private $37000 a year school.  So if I have continued to lose consistently and am plateaued now but not gaining, I figure that is pretty darn good considering the stress factor.

So all in all I feel wonderful and am thankful for the love and support of my friends and family through ALL of these life changes, both physical and mental.


About Me
Twain Harte, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2009
Member Since

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