I'm mad at myself!!

Mar 15, 2012

I was doing so well before my little mini vacation!! I started losing quicker again and then I fell off the wagon and ate like crap for 3 days (and drank beer)...and now??? uggg, scale is not moving...but stomach is SUPER bloated so hoping once I release whatever is in it, I release the weight that it holds as well.

BUT, the plus side of things, since I've been home I'm being good again and I feel a LOT better! So good to know how quickly I can get back on track and how much I DON"T want to fall off the wagon again.  Drinking beer is not as satisfying as it used to be...and eating like crap just makes me feel crappy.  I'm sure I will drink a beer on occasion but drinking more than 1 beer, for more than 1 day in a row is not satisfying and just not worth it! I want to lose about 50 more pounds and want to lose it before my wedding in September! So its time to kick it in gear, already!! treadmill daily, workout video at least 3 times a week and start walking to work now that it stays light longer :D

