8 lbs away from "NORMAL" BMI

Aug 04, 2012

INCREDIBLE!! went shopping for school clothes for my daughters today and bought myself some goodies!! I NEVER spend over $10 for a top or over $15 for jeans because I know I won't wear them for long but it sure is fun to clothes shop now!! Now that I fit into a medium top (Holy COW, I fit into a FREAKIN medium top!!!) I will spend a little more if I love it.  I can't imagine getting into anything smaller than a medium ever...I have D cup boobs! I used to have 42 DD boobs, now I have 34 D boobs but still D anyway.  I found some CUTE tops for $5 ea, I was happy! I bought Yoga pants...my lifesavers since my hernia repair surgery...and they were a size MEDIUM!! holy cow!! I haven't been this size/this weight since before I was pregnant with my 16 year old!! I LOVE my RNY! I LOVE my new size! I LOVE that I can wear NORMAL clothes, feel normal, look normal!! I had sooo many doubts that this would work for me but it does/did/is!! Don't get me wrong, I work hard everyday...its not all easy...but it is such a great tool to HELP me succeed!!  And right now the scale is moving everyday again...SO happy to see that...but even if it didn't, I see a HUGE change in my body in the last 20 lbs even!! My fiance is always grabbing at me now, hugging on me, telling me how skinny I am and how great I look (he always used to tell me when I looked pretty) but its different now for sure! I also FEEL sexier/prettier and I'm sure that shows, too! Everyone tells me I look younger too...i dunno about that but I feel younger with 112 lbs gone off my body, that's for sure!! Can't wait to get to the normal BMI range and ultimately reach my goal of 135-140! I hope you all are doing well with your weightloss!

