1 year Post op!

Oct 09, 2012

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary of my surgery! I can't believe its been a year already! time flies POST surgery! I'm happy to report I'm FINALLY at a NORMAL BMI range!! its been many years since that was so! I had my first plastic surgery consult last week and was told I'm an "idea" candidate for the tummy tuck, breast lift and implants that I want.  After much discussion with my husband, I will be scheduling my surgery sometime between july and December 2013 and I am SOOOO excited!!

As far as everything else goes.....I just started SERIOUSLY working out! walking and running on the treadmill 3 times a week at home was not enough for me anymore so the 4 of us (hubby and kids) joined the gym.  I'm happy my kids wanted to join with us! I now work out about 5 times a week  for 1.5 to 2 hours each time! cardio for 45 minutes and the rest of the time I'm on machines, building up the muscles that were dormat for so many years! and I absolutely LOVE working out!!

As far as eating goes....I can pretty much eat anything now which isn't necessarily a good thing, but I can.  Greasy stuff still bugs me and milk tends to bug me but I can do sugar ok but not really sugar alcohols.  I found out hard alcohal goes in and out of me within minutes.  I sometimes struggle with what I want to eat and what I should eat, nothing new there! BUT...they key is....eating what I NEED to eat, not what I WANT to eat! We have to learn how to do that for the rest of our lives!   can't always get what you want without consequences!

I hope everyone is enjoying their journey as much as I am and working hard to keep themselves where they wanted to be at the beginning of this journey!!

