While I have a few minutes...

May 26, 2010

...I wanted to post a little update on myself!  I don't even know where I left off in regards to "my life" when I last posted, so I'll just talk about the lastest things.  :)

I'm still VERY MUCH IN LOVE!!!  I'm in love with "him" and with life!  God has truly blessed me, and there is NOT one day that goes by that I am not thankful for how far He has brought me, and how much He has changed my life forever!  This year will be my sixth year surgiversary.  Since 2004, I've had a abdominioplasty, and brachioplasty with 2 revisions.  I will be having a 3rd revision on my left arm, but I'm not upset about it at all.  My surgeon is determined to have both my arms beautiful, and all I can do is thank him so very much for wanting to do this for me.  I've dubbed him my, "Sculpter"!!!  LOL.  He's a great guy and surgeon.  I love his personality and his character and that's why I trust him with my make-overs.  He didn't do my original brachioplasty or abdominioplasty, and while I'm VERY thankful to my surgeons performed those make-overs, I do know now that there is a difference and level of expertise, techniques, etc., with each surgeon.  I do wish that I would have had this same surgeon for all of my make-overs, but I still love how I look now.  I'm so ecstatic to be saying that along with my left arm brachio revision, I will be getting a BL!!!  I could just shout thinking about it!  In fact - I WILL - YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wow...that felt so good!  :)  My little "ladies" have been looking so sad, and the more weight that I loose, the more they "bow down" with even greater sadness.  But cheer up ladies - your help is on the way - on July 1, 2010!!!  What a blessing that God worked this out for me!  I am so in love with the Lord - He has always provided for me in ever way, and He will never stop.  I'm so glad that I'm His daughter!

Of course, as it says on my weight ticker, I'd love to loose the last 20 pounds to get me to where I believe would be a very good and healthy weight for me.  However, I've been working on this achievement for severals months now, and it hasn't happened yet.  Perhaps my body just wants to stay where it is.  I am 56, so I'm not looking to get the 25'ish body figure back, but I would like to have a little cushion for any kind of "spring-back".  I'm absolutely NOT looking for a spring back, and maybe that's what I'm dealing with right now.  In any event, I would still love to get these last 20-25 pounds off, and I won't stop trying.  I'm so proud to say that I'm back on track with my exercising.  Although I'm only walking right now, I'm doing it in the Sketcher Tone-Up shoes, and I carry my 3 lbs weights on my daily 2 mile walk.  I can already tell the difference in my butt, thighs, upper back and upper arms.  I'm especially using the weights so that my arms will be really nice and toned for my revision.  One day, I pray that I'll be able to get my flabby (putting it nicely) thighs done, and perhaps a "real" tummy tuck.  In the meantime, I am just plain and simply happy.  I do love the way I look in my clothes.  I wear anywhere between an 8 to a 12/14 - depending upon the designer.  I found out that the brand or designer can make a huge difference in the size that you wear...the higher the quality or designer name, the smaller the size!  Wow!  I wish that I was RICH!!!  LOL!  Nevertheless, coming from a starting size of 34/36 and 4 and 5X shirts, and the tightest "stretch" jeans that I could find (I gag at the thought of me @ 345 lbs, 5'3" and wearing tight jeans - awkkk...I'm choking...), and now fitting into a 12/14 and walking into ANY store and pulling something off the rack...not having to try it on in the store...and pulling it out of my closet a week or two later, slipping it on and it fitting perfectly - What is there to say, except - THANK YOU JESUS - through streams of happy tears of joy!!!!!

Well now, that's my little update for now!  So in 5 weeks almost to the day, I will be adding another chapter to my life's story..."after weight loss surgery"!  :)

Now to all those of you who are searching, re-searching, hoping, wishing, praying, believing and trusting - DON'T GIVE UP!!!  Just keep on doing those things mentioned above, do your homework, and get prepared - your time and day will come too! :)

Love and blessings to all, and as I ALWAYS declare - Today is my BEST day!!!


***sorry, I didn't have the time to proof-read***

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