Ok...I'm getting there...I pray! {chattering teeth}

Dec 06, 2010

So...it's been awhile...yeah??? Well I guess it's because I've just been busy.  Anyway, I knew that it was time for a little update.  So here goes...

We made it through Thanksgiving - missing Mom more than ever.  But like I wrote in my personal journey, we missed her physcial presence, but her precious loving spirit was represented in every dish and every bite that we took.  She taught us all how to make those recipes, and I think we outdid ourselves this time - making sure to prepare each dish to perfection just as she would have liked it.  Oh yes...I had my mini-breakdown on Sunday morning after Thanksgiving.  I allowed myself to weep deeply for her - longing to feel her touch, smell her scent, kiss her soft fluffy cheeks, and Lord - just to see that beautiful bright smile that would make the sun back-up and shy away!  That was Mom, aka Bigmama!!!  Well, after about 15 minutes of out-pour, I felt so much better.  I looked at her picture and smiled - now I was ready to get dressed for church!

Well now for the update on {{{{mmmeeeeeeeee}}}}!  Ok, I'm doing very well - even dropped a few more pounds that I'm ecstatic about.  Uh huh...this morning my scale grinned up at me and said "167"!  Hallelujah!!! Yes!!!  {{{clapping hands}}}!  Awesome!  Now all I need to do is stay on the downward trend.  I think I've had the 165 goal for months.  I've gotten so close, but only close - never quite hitting that mark.  Hmmmmm...dare I say it?  Dare I say that I just might make it this time???  YES...I'm going to say it - I'm going to speak it out loud!  I AM GOING TO GET TO MY GOAL AND I'M GOING TO MAKE THAT 165 MARK THIS TIME!  YES!  I'M GOING TO DO IT!  I'M GOING TO DO IT!  I'M GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT!!!

Alright...settling back down now, here's the rest of the update.  After my last appointment with my ps, after the 1st of the year (2011), I'm going to have some lipo done to the left arm to see if we can't get it closer to the size of the right arm.  I'm wondering if it will give me another little "batwing" of hanging skin, but at this point I really don't care.  If in the sleeves of my blouses and jackets, both my arms finally look the same size, that's all I'm concerned with.  In addition to the lipo, he's going to excise the little dog ears (skin flap) on both ends of my incisions under the left breast. The right side turned out really great.  These procedures will be done onsite at his office in his procedure room (which looks like an operating room in the hospital). :)  They will be done under a little local pain medication - either Lidocain or something similar.  I was told it will take all of approximately 2 hours and I'm done.  AWESOME!!!  I'm so thrilled about this.  I'd hoped that I could have had it done before Christmas since I'll have a week off from work, but if has to be done later that's ok too.  Just so that it's done.  :^)

Speaking of Christmas holidays, I'm always to last minute person - and I still hold that "title" this year. :*(  Oh well, it is what it is.  I'll get there.  I think this year, my family is realizing the very true meaning of Christmas; the main being the birth of our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ, and then also, that it's all about loving each other and expressing that love each and everyday that we share together - understanding that at any day or time things can changed drastically!!!  All of my gifts this year will not be the same old thing.  I've decided to give from my heart of love - putting thought into every decision made...even crafting some of the items myself.  Well, that's the plan.

I pray blessings for all you!  This year was phenomenal - even amidst the trials, challenges, adjustments, changes, and sadnesses and "new normals".  I can say that I'm still blessed to be here - 156 lbs. lighter, 8 sizes smaller, better health, happier heart, with a great big brighter smile!  All who are anticipating this journey, the key is to stay focused and determined.  Don't loose heart - no matter what comes your way - lost paperwork, slow processed paperwork, hard-to-deal-with office workers, un-sympathetic office workers, and even denials!  DON'T LOOSE HEART!  Be patient and hang in there.  Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare! :)  Persistence is the Key to your ending your race/journey in victory!!!  I'm living in that VICTORY EVERYDAY!!!  :)

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza - or whatever your celebration may be!!!  Always remember that...Today is your (and mine) BEST day!  Today is the best Present ever!

God bless you all,

