Update on me....

Sep 09, 2010

Ok...here I am!  I'm 8 weeks post-op after left arm brachio revision, right arm brachio "tweek", and breast lift!  I still have some swelling on my left side.  I'm still healing in all areas.  Although I'm coming along, I still have to realize that my final results are not going to be realized for at least another 4 to 8 months - according to most folks time calculations.  Hmmmm...so patiently I wait.  Nothing else to do.

The wonderful thing is that with my breast lift, I have wonderful sensation.  I was worried about numbness and not having any feeling, but I don't have to worry about that.  Thank you Jesus! :)  As for the arms, it's just a wait and see approach. At this point, like I said, I still have some swelling, but also at this point, my left arm is still visibly larger than my right - after 3 surgeries.  It also measures about an inch larger right now.  So, we'll see what happens.

On the personal home front, I'm still "madly" in love with my wonderful best friend!  He is so awesome. We celebrated our 2 yr. "madly in love with my best friend" anniversary this past Monday.  Wow - 2 years.  Honestly, I'd hoped for more to be going on by now...say a marriage or something?  Oh well, it's all about timing, and we're enjoying ourselves and each other.  The rest will happen natually when it's time.  It's helped me to not worry or fret about it any longer.  I'm maturing in this relationship, and he's feeling less pressured! :)

I'm still missing my mom something terribly since she went home to be with the Lord this past June.  I even cried last night.  I'm crying because I haven't (and probably never will) finish the grieving process over my mom, and now my dad is having major issues - being hospitalized for almost 4 weeks now.  I'm so sad for him and my heart breaks that he is going to this with his health issues and he's still grieving over mom also.  I pray so hard for God to bless my dad and my family.  We truly need a break!  Mom and now dad always say - it's in God's time and victory will come!  I thank God for my parents and for allowing me the priviledge of being called their daughter - their oldest daughter!!!  I love them dearly!

Well, that's my update for now.  I'll be in touch again soon...

Always remembering that Today is my BEST day!  Best regards to all those anticipating and walking this path today or in the future!

Be blessed,
Rose - experiencing "New life again"! :)

