Appeal Denied - Again. Sad but moving forward anyway!

Aug 25, 2011

Well, I got the second (2nd) denial letter on Tuesday (August 23, 2011).  I am sad about that, but I told myself with the first effort to get approved that if I was denied, I would not appeal the decision.  Yet, when I did get the first deniel letter, I did make the decision to appeal it.  So with this 2nd denial, I'm going to let it rest.  I believe that there may be a deeper reason for why this surgery should not happen at this time.  In the past when I've done anything regarding surgeries - especially as the result of my wls - I've never had a problem with denials, delays, etc.  So this is letting me know - DON'T PUSH IT!  If it was meant to be, it would have sailed through like all of the other times that I got authorizations for the surgeries.  My main concern was to be able to have the left arm revision and thigh lift done at the same time.  So since that will not be the case right now, if I still want to have the thigh lift done in the future, I will most likely have to become a "paying" patient.  Even with that, if it's to be, I believe that everything will be available to me.  Who knows, perhaps another ps is supposed to perform this particular surgery.  There are SO many reasons that the Lord (I believe in Divine intervention), may be bringing about this delay!  I've definitely learned that "Delay does NOT mean, Denial".  I believe that one day, I will get this done!!!  :o)

In the meantime, I will now wait for the approval of the left brachio revision, and move forward.  I pray that this time all will come out with the best AND FINAL possible results!!!  I know it will happen!!!  I can't wait to get it over with.  My current plans are to have this surgery around Thanksgiving.  That will give me time to get use to my new little granddaughter, Madison - aka Maddie.  :o)  In addition, Sabrina will still be off work with the baby, and would be some help to me in my recouperation period.  It's all going to work out for my good.  :o)  Plus, I'll have beautiful arms for the holidays.  I'm not saying that I'll every wear anything sleeveless, but my arms will match in size and I'll definitely be able to wear the sheer sleeves that are on the dressy outfits around Christmas time.  The appearance of my upper arms will not be one fat and one skinny!  Yeayyyyyyy!  Thank you Dr. M!!!  Your'e the BEST!!!  :o)

Well until the next time I post, today is my BEST day!  I'm alive and breathing.  I'm happy and satisfied in my spirit!  All is well with my world!  Yes!!!

