And so it begins. On June 2, 2008, I will be reborn. A new creature, with God's help, reshaped and restored.

My story is the same as so many  I've read on OH. We're all on the path, walking, running, sprinting and hopping along on this journey to self and  self-control.

June 10, 2008

O.K. So, I think I'm going a little stir crazy today. I know it's too early to go back to work but I'm bored. But I know I can't go back to work just yet because I'm having problems bending over. No real pain, just soreness.

I need to correct myself, in an earlier blog posting I wrote the doctor would like me to have 40 grams of protein a day. It's actually 45. Oh well, you get the point.  Instead of saying that it's going to be hard to do that, I'm going to say that I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Speaking of challenges, I'm going to walk on the treadmill today for about 30 minutes and see how that goes.

June 9, 2008

One week to the day of my surgery, Monday greeted me with a sweet kiss. I'm pain-free. All that's left is soreness. I'm not on any meds!

I'm soo very happy that the hard part--making the decision to have the surgery--is over. I'm stoked. My life has started over again.

And it's true, you will be emotional after the surgery. I've gone through bouts of happiness and sadness. I cried last week because the pain was unbearable for a while. I cried only once though. It was last Thursday and for just about five minutes. (It was a full day after I'd been released from the hospital and I was trying to wean myself off the hydrodone, the narcotic Dr. Carlos Ferrari had prescribed me for pain.

The good moments outweigh the bad moments. You just have to work through them. If someone on Thursday had told me I'd be feeling this good, I'd would have cursed them for lying to me. But it's true, our bodies our resiliently awesome.

I'm not hungry. But my doctor wants me to try to get 40 grams of protein in a day. That's going to be a real challenge. I went to the grocery store last night looking for things with protein. I'm a real picky eater these days. If at first taste I don't like something, I won't eat it.

Before surgery, I could eat almost anything.

I'm  also finding that I don't like anything that's really sweet, it makes me queasy. That's funny because I had a serious sweet tooth before surgery.

I have to say making the decision to have this surgery was the best move of my adult life. I have no regrets, just a lot of hope and plans to start living my life to the fullest from now on.

May 6, 2008

So, I've been anxious for days.  I'm trying to prepare for my surgery mentally.  It's a little overwhelming. I'm preparing for a new life. Literally

Slowly, but surely, I'm telling everyone that I care about, about this surgery. It's strange the reactions that I get.

Over the weekend I told two friends that I hang out with once a month. They told me they didn't think I needed the surgery. We were supposed to go the movies after lunch. But we didn't. My news kind of cut the outing short.

It's not that they weren't supportive--one even offered to bring me food after surgery! We had a big laugh. Because she immediately recognized her mistake. I won't be able to eat solid food for quite a while after surgery. 

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 34
Four months out
Realistic expectations
Plastic surgery
Down 48 pounds in three months!
Three months out today!
A little better today
It's been a while
