My name is Felicia I go by Lisa, I have been trying to lose weight for YEARS!  this whole experience has been such a joy. I am enjoying the fact that I am going to be  the size that I want to be and be healthy. My slogan is " I can do all things through Christ and that is what I am doing. Outside of my family this is the happest I have ever been in my life. 
I have to thank Dr.Jessee because she is so friendly and really takes time with her patients and that really made me feel easy about the surgery
Now I can now go back to running 3 to 4 miles a day and feeling good about myself again. 

12/17/2007 4:30 P.M. my post op visit, I was wrong I lost 6 Lbs. So now I am at 260. Still excited. 
ok to run and get back into my work routine.

12/25/2007: Well it's Christmas and I went to my inlaws house for dinner, I did very good with my meals, did not eat any cake or pies and my food was solid(very bad because I should be on soft foods) so I ate things like stuffin' and greens, just a spoon full or two. 
I am so afraid that I am not gonna make this, its still really hard to believe.

12/26/2007: good day today, I ate, grits for breakfast, for lunch I ate chicken noodle soup and for dinner I ate greens and a slice of ham(not suppose to eat ham) but it went down ok. not good but ok. Still nervous about the whole lap band. 
Will I make 180? boy oh boy we shall see. going to start on my work out tomorrow so here goes. 

01/19/2008: Well I will be filled in a couple of days so me and the family went to Orlando and I ate two lobsters, thats a switch because I use to eat seven to eight...... I have eaten everything on earth so I am ready for my day to get here!!!! boy, oh boy, I am going to see if all of this really works, I will be posting to scream if it doesnt. 

01/20/2008: Went to the Mall and brought me a couple of pairs of jeans, size 18/20 boy I am getting ready to scream if this surgery does'nt hurry and get here..... also purchased the stockings that suppose to keep everything in. Yeah we will see.

01/21/2008" Well I had my first fill today, it was great.. 5cc the doctor put in six but then I was getting stuck so she took one cc out. I feel great, no problems at all. I am so ready. 
Weight today: 266.6 Weight at Pre-Op 267 Goal Weight 195 I am off and running.

01/22/2008: well the 2nd day of being filled bad. I am a big eater so I as saying to myself, yeah right this is going to work, I went to try to eat as usual. I DONT THINK SO... I am so happy now, next to wiring my mouth shut I finally have something to make me not only stop talking so much but stop eating so much, now I am to busy laughing because I cant believe it.  This band is the best thing next to sliced bread(well no carbs so next to working out)!!

02/18/2008: Well I have not written in awhile and I said that I need to get back to jotting down every day that I have breath in my body so I can look back on this on 2009 and laugh on how I struggled to get this finest off of me..
Well my friend Eugenia has been working very close with me to make sure I do what I am suppose to so that I can get to my goal weight of 180 by the summer time. She took pictures of me and she has posted them on my web page. I have turned over a new leaf and now I am ready to go, I finally realized that if I dont eat right it's going to be a struggle for me to get the weight off..
I started to post on to keep up with my calories and my work out. I am allowed to have 1900 calories a day due to my rigarous activity.

02/19/2008. Well today was a very good day, I ran a mile at Northwest park, once I was done with that I did advance aerobics (Step) at Shapes Total Fitness. My instructor is a robot I keep telling her that. Annie is very tuff and she runs her step class like basic training and that is what I need and love. I ate very well. Breakfast-Apple, Lunch:Healthy Choice Orange Chicken, 1/2 gallone of water! Yes I love Aquafina.!!! I had a piece of turkey and when I came home from work I ate 1 piece of Italian sausage, a spoonful of rice and two spoon full of blackbeans, and more water, one more 1 liter bottle of Aquafina. my
BY my scale today: 261.2/goal 180 LBS.

02/20/2008- ran a mile on the treadmill @ gym. 

08042008: ok, I have not been on for awhile, been very, very busy lately. I just got filled 9.5cc my weight is 254. wow! back up since my fill was let out.....damn it!

08112008: spin class this morning, Great! weight today. 242 lbs. I have lost 14 lbs. in one week. WOW

02/25/2008: 2nd Fill today: weight 263. My scale is different from my doctor's scale but it's coming off. 
I am on liquids today. Now I am at 7cc's and I am feeling good. No food today only liquids.

02262008: step aerobics 1 hour

02272008: 2 mile run at Freedom Lake Park

02282008: step aerobics 1 hour.

03012008: weight training and step aerobis 1 hour, eating better, it's  struggle to find the right foods that will help me lose the weight but I am working HARD! Breakfast-fish(boiled) and grits(spoon full),  lunch-Tuna sandwich and a protein bar. Dinner-2 Nuggets with BBQ sauce and Tuna Sandwich....3 bottled water

03022008: 45 min.Step aerobics. Breakfast: 1 fried egg. and Raisan Bran Cereal. Lunch: 1 Tablespoon of String beans. 1 slice of lean cuisine sweet potatoe pie. 150 calories. 1/2 red apple. 2 bottles of water.

03042008: 258 lbs this morning! Yes! I am on my way... and it feels dorn good.
weight training (Extreme!!!!) 60 minutes.
Breakfast:Oatmeal, Lunch: Southbeach diet wrap(turkey,cheese and bacon)1/2 gallon of water.

03312008: Well I had another fill today! 7.8cc's doc told me that it was a big jump so be careful, I ate a half a cup of soup and i was stuffed. I have been weight training so my weight was only a lb. less but I have been able to fit comfortable in a size 18 so the inches are coming off so the lbs will be sure to catchup.  I am very excited also because my husband had the surgery on the 26th of this month and in seven days he has lost seven lbs. MENNNNN they do much better but I'm not hating thats my husband I am happy for him. I will post more pxtures soon. LOOK OUT. 

04052008: Ok, after getting my a@# chewed out by my bff I figured I'd better do this thing right and readinig the post from westerngirl, I know it was time for me to step up my game to get this weight off of me, Kimmee2 gave me some good eating tips so I am good to go.  2day I went to the grocery store and purchased squash, onions, southbeach meals and my protein drinks, when I got home I put my meal on and ate 
b-protein shake
l-small salad, protein shake EAS chocalate, southbeach steak meal 220 calories with 20 grams of protein and a bottled of water. it's now 2:21 pm and I am still full, but since my bff tells me I have to eat at least 6 xs a day I am going to have me a fruit cup and another bottle water! I am going to lick this thing once in forall so I can get to my goal weight by July 30th!!!

protein shake-EAS(nasty)
l-2 tablespoons of string beans and 1 neckbone(really soft)
d-1/2 piece of porkchop very soft 1 tablespoon of string beans
protein shake
some Lenny Williams and Betty Wright and I called it a night!

Monday 04/07/2008 weight 257 lbs. my weight goes back and fourth.
1/2 of a large appple
2 small bags of oatmeal( i would have had one but it was so good I ate another one)
I have to keep it honest. it's now 11:00 and I have not had anything else I am boiling me 
some chicken wings, I will see if these will go down when I tried on Thursday they would'nt but 
I dont think I am as tight now. 

Tues April 8th Strenght training @ Gym!!! great!

Wed: April 9th Spin class hard but good
Thurs:Weight training class!!! I am learning how to do situps ALL over again.
Friday:Spin class! way to go girl, it was better today, still have a sore butt! that seat is to damn small!
Sunday:April 12th step aerobics(Advance) way to go Annie!!! (She is super fast and very hard) 50 minutes of straight stepping! i LOVE IT!!!! great class, toning really good now and I feel great! Went to Lane Bryant today and I found that I am a size 3 in blue, no longer a 7 but a freaking 3!!!! the 4 blues that I have are just way to BIG!
Monday: April 13th Spin class! getting much better now!
Tues: April 14th Weight training, I am getting much better class is easier, moved up from size 8 weights to size 10 weights. 
Wed: Spin class, great!! I have gotten the hang of it, if we do one more mountain climb I am going to choke my instructor!
Thurs:Weight and strength training, I am also learning to eat more and it's working, I am going to the bathroom more and eating more, that could be why I wasnt going to the bathroom before because nothing was in there to come out. Went and got myself a massage today, BOY DID I NEED THAT.
Friday:Spin class, our side raced the otherside and we got off! it was awesome! the butt is getting tight! really looking into having my arms and stomach done but i need to get some more weight off! Got me some more workout  clothes and also some spin shoes and they look great.
Sunday: Jane's step aeobics! it was great, new moves and it was still good, she always has her moves together, I love doing step and the more weight I get off the better I feel about shaking my butt infront of everyone, because she has all the advanced steppers in the front of the class and on somedays I use to feel so fat and out of place but I can step my butt off! comes from years of practice. 
Monday: Spin class, great getting much, much easier,ate well, lean cuisine, fruit cup, salad and lots to drink.....I ate more but right now I cant remember.
Tues: Strenght training, good as always keeping up very well! b-oatmeal, sausage. Lunch-lean cuisine and yogurt, dinner: crab legs, 1 snow crab and 3 small grabs, a couple of shrimp and salad. also a glass of wine,3 glass(wow) I felt that!!!
Wed: Spin class! it was awesome!!! did alot of mountaiin climbing and it has my legs so sore! but I feel great, Break-oatmeal,sausage, yogart, milk, eggs. Lunch-steak(1 lean piece)little gravy, mash potatoes and corn. Yogart dinner:protein shake
pork chop, brocoli.

Thurs: weight training, great class, sqwats, pushups(32) leg lifts, situps, back lunges, side lunges, front kicks, scissor moves on the ball(32) breakfast: oatmeal, sausage and coffee, Lunch: protein shake, tuna sandwich from Subway, dinner: 2 slices of pizza from Pizza Hut(bad) I know but I work out so hard so I am going to see how that affects me through out the week!. Not going to make a habbit of it but I wanted pizza! 

Friday: Spin class, boy has it gotten easier, I am hoping to get new moves on the bike because when I get bored I tend to turn to somethingelse. doing well, still toning great..... Breakfast: sausage, egg and cheese from McDonald's (Doing well not going to drive thru much, I was just hungry this morning after the gym so I am good for this one. Coffiee, w/cream and S & L, lunch: ham and turkey sandwich.  Still feeling really, really good.

Sunday: step aerobics! awesome as usual! Pulled something in the back of my leg so I was stepping out of style today. Not in style at all! Now I am ok so I am ready to get my work out on! oh I did not stop I still workedout but just not as hard. 
breakfast:sausage, egg and cheese. Lunch:Chez burger  Dinner:baked chicken and stringbeans.

Monday: Spin class: 6 am awesome, much easier lots of mountain jumping today, it was great. Breakfast, sausage, grits and eggs. Lunch: savory beef by Southbeach, dinner: steak 1/2 piece thin sliced steak and mixed vegetables. Great dinner. Lots of water, water, water. 

Tuesday: No class today at 6 am so I was able to get on the gazel and glided for 35 minutes, boy that has my hips sore. 
breakfast:grits and broiled fish(sushi fillet) great fishhhhh wh my!! Lunch: Fish and vegetables. water, water, water. 

07075008*********************** Well I am back on track!*************************************************************************
went and had my fill today. at 9.5 I lost 10 lbs with my broken anke and I feel great! but miserable at the same time. 
today I ate breakfast- coffee, lunch: Pinto and Cheese from Taco Bell. 

10/14/2008: well I have not writen anything on my blog in awhile, just going through alot but god has showed me who my true friends are, so basically I had to do some cleaning out my closets....

My weight is going really well I feel great, still working out and feeling great. Drinking sweet tea from McDonald's which is very bad lots of carbs, so I just elimanate carbs in other places so I am able to drink my tea.... let me see I have done alot of positive things and that's where my life has been going and well continue to go in a positive direction. I love my band and I will continue to work it and not let it work me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 46

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