Three Weeks Out

Apr 15, 2009

Its been three weeks since I got my surgery and I'm shocked that I haven't made a post. Its been a rough road. To start off the surgery didn't exactly go as smoothly as I would have imagined. I went into the hospital on the 23 and had my surgery that day. In the evening I got up and took a little walk to the door of my hospital room. I was quite ill, very nauseous and they thought it was a reaction to the anesthetic. The next day I was up again and took a walk in the hall, and as I was walking I fainted. They figured out that I had a leak and needed to go back into surgery. I had my second surgery on Wednesday and was finally released from the hospital on Saturday four days later than what I had expected.
The recovery has been long and getting back to normal has been a huge process. I can't lie there have been a few times that I kinda wish I hadn't made this choice. Eating has been a whole new experience, and I can honestly say that I hate soup, jello and pudding, its all I've been eating for three weeks. However, I have started on soft food which at this point is a hit or miss. The doctor told me that with the complications I experienced my recovery may be a bit longer. The good thing is that I haven't gotten sick, which was something I was afraid of.
I'm still experiencing pain and its been difficult to sleep. Even with the pain I had to stop taking my pain meds, they were messing up my system and keeping me from going to the bathroom, a whole other experience that I won't necessarily go into detail, but has been not pretty.
I have lost nearly 24 pounds which is the exciting part of this whole experience and I can't wait to see the rest come off. I just have to not get into the habit of weighing my self every day, I can see my self becoming obsessed.

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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2009
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