I'm at goal!

Dec 20, 2009

I am at my goal now.  I also went shopping and am now in size 6 pants.  I don't think I have ever worn size 6 pants.  I have now lost 1/2 of my original wieght, which was may goal.  Now the challange of staying here.  My goups, friends, family have helped me get here, thanks.  Now I need you to help me stay here.  My PS recovery is going alot better.  PS is much harder than WLS.  I start back at work Mon, ready or not. 

PS update

Dec 03, 2009

Well things are better, but it's not easy.  For the last few days, I've felt like when your leg falls asleep and starts to wake up, just all of the time and over most of my torso.  I also am really having to work hard at eating enough.  It's hard to eat as much as I did before surgery, and Dr. L wants me to eat even more than I did before to help the healing.  Yesterday he said that I'm not healing as fast as I should, and he felt it was not enough nutrition.  Who would have ever thought that I'd have a problem not eating enough!  I'm tired alot, but I'm off work so I have time to nap.  I'm still in the recliner for at least this week, maybe next.  You really do need the time off work, even desk jobs.  But I do see progress, so that is good.

My PS Journey

Nov 23, 2009

I’m a week out from surgery, and I’m finally up to writing a bit. Here has been what is going on.   Dr. Lomonaco and his staff are wonderful, as expected. They call me every day to check on me, and I have my first post-surgery visit tomorrow morning.   Monday 11/16. The pain was unbelievable. I have been through childbirth with 2.5 hours back labor followed by an emergency c-section under anesthesia, and this was worse. It shouldn’t have been. I had a morphine pump, but it took me a long time to convince the nurses that the pump wasn’t working. They finally believed me and replaced it, and everything was much better. Although I am allergic to morphine type drugs and itched like crazy. Benedryll helped me sleep through the itching and pain. It is really important to bring your own protein drinks to the hospital. I lived off my Oh Yeah cookies and cream protein drinks over ice.   Tuesday 11/17. My blood pressure and O2 saturation were low, so I was kept on O2 and didn’t get the morphine very often. I didn’t hurt as badly as I did the first day because I did get some morphine, pain pills, and numbing pump (and Benydryll). Advice for all those who have had RNY gastric bypass: If you take pain killers in pill form, cut them into 2 or 4 pieces to help them absorb. They don’t work as well as they used to. Also, figure out something to use to avoid constipation. After RNY, capsules don’t work well, so I couldn’t use the colaise. Milk of Magnesia obviously doesn’t help either. I have no advice on what will work.    Wednesday 11/18. I had some more issues with the hospital, but Dr. Lomonaco’s office helped me out alot. If anyone has the choice, I wouldn’t go to Houston Hospital for Specialist Surgery for a LBL. I would have paid the extra for University General. I was safe, just unhappy. I can talk in detail with anyone trying to make a decision. They took out the drainage tubes from the breasts, but not the groin and I had a localized numbing portable pain pump that Dr. L. had put in place. I left the hospital this day and went to my mom’s house.   Thursday-Friday 11/18-19. Mom is the best care you can get. She knows what I need without asking. Ryan is very brave and sweet and helps all he can. So far I am not in a lot of pain. I’m getting my protein, fluid, vitamins. The pain pump emptied and I removed it myself. It was easy, just really really in there a long way. All is well.    Saturday 11/20. I’m really nauseated. I hate the drainage tubes. I hurt, I’m weak, I’m sick, and I just feel like crying. I can’t get in my fluid or protein. I have to take a Dulcolax suppository, which was an awful ordeal that only helped some. My shower didn’t help because I was so sweaty from the effort of it all. I’m miserable and asking what have I done. I head home. Mike has everything set up for me. I’m having hot flashes so I turn the ac down to almost snow conditions and get through the night.    Sunday 11/21, I want these tubes out. I’m miserable. I’m so nauseated that I can barely drink water. I again don’t get my fluid or protein for the day. I’m too sick to take pain meds. I feel like fainting all of the time. I am miserable, but the Dulcolax finaly works a little, which helps. I sleep in deep freeze conditions which helps my not feel so faint. I worry that I may have to go back to the hospital for IVs and phenergan. Ryan sleeps on the floor next to me because he is worried. I start to think I will never get well.   Monday 11/22, I am very nauseated and can barely keep down water. Dr. L’s office instructed Mike in how to take out my tubes. I call my mom to assist. It didn’t hurt or bleed. Mike prepared for it well. My mom assisted well. They both helped me through the emotions of it all. I was crying, then faint, then anxious, then nauseated. You can’t imagine how long those tubes were. I’m glad they are out. Dr. L uses a specific type of drain that doesn't tend to stick like some do.  I felt a lot better within a few minutes. I’m already not as nauseated. I’ve gotten down some crackers and a little protein drink. This is the first time I’ve been able to really type anything. I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. My stomach is really flat, even with the swelling. But I swear that I can feel a phantom stomach. I feel like I have my old stomach skirt under a pair of tight jeans, but it’s not really there. The breast lift with inserts doesn’t add any problems to my recovery. I would strongly recommend doing them with the LBL if you can, although Dr. L is one of the few surgeons who can do it, and only for some patients. I was in surgery for only about 6 hours for all of it. I don’t know how much skin was removed. I’ll ask tomorrow when I see Dr. L. I’m a lot better now that I have my drain tubes out. I’m almost finished with a protein drink. Kashi cheddar crackers have been my lifesaver. I eat two, take a piece of a pill, eat two more, then wait 10 min to repeat.
I'll write more tomorrow after my appointment.  Thank you everyone who has checked in on me.  Lesson learned so far:  wait until you have not only stabalized your wieght loss, but can handle alot of different foods easily, because I haven't been this nauseated since early after my RNY.  Also, don't cut corners on surgeon or hospital.  I can already see how lucky I was to have chosen Dr. Lomonaco, and I wish I had not cut corners on the hospital.  Prepare ahead of time.  Get a potty seat raiser, a walker, lots of pillows, and protien drinks.  I am living in a recliner like they did on the movie WAll-E, however that is spelled.  I'll let you know if it was worth it next summer when I buy a bathing suit.

I have a surgery date!

Jun 15, 2009

Dr. LoMonaco is doing my LBL and BL on Nov 18!  I want to wait until summer is over, so around the holidays is the perfect time for me to take off work and for my family to help me out.  I'm trying not to think about the cost.  I just keep saying "I'm worth it."  But it is still hard to spend that kind of money on anything.  Isn't it funny how people wouldn't think twice about it if I spent the money on a new car, but people are in awe of spending that amount on reconstructing my damaged body.  Next summer I won't have any rolls to tuck, hide, or push up.

About Me
League City, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2006
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