My journey began a few years ago, I've always been a little overweight but still healthy..or so I thought. I worked full time, so my weight and my health was not a top priority. Then, 3 years ago I fell in the shower and had to be taken off work. Depression set in, so did the food. My weight started climbing, I got rid of the scales so I didn't have to see my numbers go up, my depression was getting so bad I was staying in my PJs all day. Then I had to have back surgery, my first of two, which packed on more weight, and with more weight, came heart problems, high blood pressure, sleep issues, more back problems. I remember asking my Dr for my medical records so I could get a second opinion in late august of 2014. My medical record said "morbidly obese" morbidly means deathly so he thought me beings 42 years old was deathly fat..that scared me. I freaked out. I cried. I was ashamed. Then I saw an ad for bariatric surgery and set up an appointment to go to a seminar in Herrin, Illinois and talk with Dr. Ahuja. I had to see if this was true or just another gimmick to get my hopes up. I attended the seminar, met with Dr Ahuja, did all the pre op requirements, and April, 29,2015 my life changed forever as I had gastric sleeve surgery. I am as of today 111 pounds smaller, off 14 medications, and love my life!! I owe Dr Ahuja and his staff a world of gratitude for giving me the tools to change my life. 

About Me
Nov 17, 2015
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
4/1/15 - 14 meds 3 x daily
119 lbs lost and only 3 pill left to stop

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