suzanne S. 22 years, 2 months ago

Way to go Karen! can't wait to be on the other side with you. suzanne

Karen B. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi everybody! I just wanted to post my 3 month update. I went to my appointment yesterday and my labs are all good. Iron is a little low, but that is kinda normal for me. Everything else is good though. I have officially lost 48 lbs. and that is 36% of my excess weight. My doctor and I are very pleased with those results. I have been continuing to work out at Curves about 4X/week and I have lost many many inches also since surgery. I went from a 22-24 pants and 3X top to an 18-20 pants and 2X top or 1X depending on how long it is. (gotta cover that gut! LOL) I am not really having any problems eating other than meat just feels yucky to eat and I'm only getting between 500-700 calories a day and that's with really trying. My hair started falling out at 2 months and it's just coming out in handfulls now! But, I don't care! I'M REALLY HAPPY! I hope this post finds all of you happy and doing well!

Ali W. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Karen - I read your post about being on a plateau...BEEN THERE! You are not alone in your frustration. Mine lasted about four weeks. I have lost about 50 pounds and I'm 10 weeks out from surgery, so I shouldn't have let it frustrate me so much. I guess we are just human!

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

Hey Karen, sweets, now that you are eating food you probably want to cut out the juice. Its very high in calories and could be stalling your weight loss. This has happened to several people I know. Hugs!

Carol C. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi my sweetie, glad to know you are doing so well. You are always in my thoughts & prayers, even if we don't talk on the phone that much. I will be calling you later on today from work. It should be pretty dead today, but from what I understand tomorrow (Sunday) will be "ALIVE" again. Talk to you soon. Luv U, MOM

Sheila K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Karen. I too went through depression. I almost hated my family for eating normally! It will soon pass. I still love to cook for them, even if I don't eat what they do. I am 9 weeks post op , but am still on a very soft diet due to bad strictures. I eat alot of soups and pinto beans etc. If you have Schwan's ice cream delivery in your area, get the Trim Creations no sugar added, fat free fudgesickles. They are awesome! I will keep you in my prayers!

Karen B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi everyone, I had my surgery a week ago on 12/18 and I'm feeling GREAT!!! I have had no problems whatsoever. I think I ate a little too much Cream of Mushroom a little while ago and I have had this "full to busting" feeling the last 2 hrs. Weird sensation...feeling full on so little! I have lost 12 lbs. in 8 days...not counting the water gain. Started at 265...gained to 271 in the am 253!!! No nausea or vomiting...I guess it's just my time for some good stuff to happen in my life...I'm very grateful! I hope this gives someone out there who is struggling w/ insurance, pre-op hoop jumping...etc. a little encouragement. When it gets's great to know the struggle is finally over and your new life is just beginning.

Karen B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi Everyone! I am now OFFICIALLY on the lighter side! I had my surgery on Tuesday 12/18 and everything went well. I guess they were struggling with the intubation, but they ended up getting it done. I'm a little "foggy" LOL about it all, but I will know more on January 3rd, when I see my surgeon. I was having a hard time moving about on the 1st day, the 2nd day was better and then after that pretty good. I came home on 12/21 and have been on this pain I'm a little sleepy sometimes. Yesterday I was wondering when I'd be able to stand up straight when I walk...well this morning when I woke up it seemed like I sprung up from my LazyBoy (I'm not sleeping in bed yet..LB too comfy!) and have had no problems standing straight. I have been drinking my clear liquids...have had no problem at all with nausea..I swallow normally with no problem. I can't stand the taste of SugarFree stuff, so I have just been drinking broth and water and 100%juice (grape) YUM! On Christmas I can have full liquids!!! Yes!!! Smoothies My kids got me a really nice Cuisinart blender for my birthday, so I'm ready to put that bad boy to use. Cream of Wheat too...ahhh Isn't it weird what seems heavenly now? I have read on here a lot of newly post ops saying they weren't hungry and the smell of food made them nauseous...Well, not me...I feel hungry even though I drink all day. It's hard for me when my DH cooks for the kids because it smells so good. I have to come in my room and hibernate. Well...I'm starting to get sleepy....very sleepy LOL so I will say goodnight and God bless to all my AMOS brothers and sisters. May you all have a wonderful, safe, holiday season. Remember...we need Santa to stay healthy too, so leave him out some yummy sugar free/low fat treat. I will this year instead of the usual plate of milk chocolate fudge!!! Love ya! MUAH!

Carol C. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi! Karen's ^j^ here. I just talked to Karen at the hospital & she's hurting the normal hurt everyone goes through with this but the good thing is that it DOES finally come to an end, & the healing begins. Karen is doing very well (as well as can be expected), sitting up, walking etc. & dozing. Dozing is a GOOD thing!! It doesn't hurt when you are ZZzzzzzzzz'd out. That's it for now. I will post more later when I call the Nurse this evening

bikerchic 22 years, 5 months ago

Congrats on your surgery,, , I know you will do greatat losing!!!!!valita
About Me
Rockford, IL
Surgery Date
Sep 08, 2001
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