LORRAINE K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear Gwen~~~~I read your post today. Just wanted to congratulate you on your amazing progress. Keep your resolve strong. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers so that you may reach your goals. Be well. Lorraine

bikerchic 22 years, 4 months ago

congrats on your weight loss you look awesome,,,your friend valita

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

Gwen, congratulations on your awesome weight loss! You look terrific! Keep up the good work and have a wonderful new year!

Gwen F. 22 years, 4 months ago

I am so sorry that I have not updated in awhile. It seem like life is busier than ever. So many wonderful changes in my life. As of today my scales who 250 which is great because I was able to buy a regular scale. It is great to go out to eat and enjoy the conversation vs the all of the food. I usually just eat a few bites and rest goes home in a doggie bag for my lunches for a few days. I have sent a new picutre of me so hopefully it will show up soon. I now go to water aerobics two to three times a week. I am also going back to school starting in February. All preop's and postop's hang in there this is an exciting wonderful journey with up's and down's every day but it is wonderful to look in the mirror and not reconize the person there because they are coming out like a beautiful butterfly with more energy. This site has been a God send to me. I may not post much but I love each and every one. Gwennie

Karen Renee 22 years, 5 months ago

Dear Gwen, Just wanted to wish you Happy Holidays and I'm so happy for your weight loss. Enjoy your New Years and take care. Email me when you get a chance. By skinny gal!!!

Robert D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Gwen,hope you feel better soon. Congratulations on the weight loss. You will be in my prayers;God Bless and take care.Robert

Karen Renee 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Gwen, I am so glad to hear you are getting better. Great going. I'm thinking of you. Lots of love.

Gwen F. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hugs to everyone. I went to see my Dr. Overcash on 10-11 for my 10 day check up since surgery. I lost 20 pounds and am feeling great. I ride 2 miles a day on my stationary bike. I start back to work Monday. I had half of my staples out and will have the rest out on Thursday 10-18-01. It is unbelievable not to be hungry and eat about 6 tablespoon of broth and be full. The best part is my DH took me to a beauty saloon today to have my hair colored and cut. I look like a new woman beautiful buttercup blond nice and soft. I stopped by work to turn in my slip for back to work and everyone was supportive of the new me. What a wonderful journey this. God bless to everyone Gwen F

Gwen F. 22 years, 8 months ago

Today was a little hard. My DH went and picked up somethings for me. He came home and gave me an ounce of vanilla pudding with my meds crushed up. Wow 20 minutes later I had hot flashes and stomach cramps. We looked at the label it was fat free but not sugar free it had 17 gm of sugar so I was violently ill but no dupping either way for about 2 hours. I walked and just whined but I survived and my DH felt guilty. Not his fault. We must remember to be kind to ourselved and each other. I find that I have changed a lot in a week. Things that were really important to me like my job are second best now. We each are fortunate that we have a medium like to this to post to help us each get through the tough and not so tuff times, to laugh at each other and ourselves and cry if we want to. I love each and everyone of you and pray each day for all of my AMOS friends. Much love (((hugs)))) Gwen

Gwen F. 22 years, 8 months ago

I am home. I want to thank my angel Gwen Earnest for all of her prayers and angel dust they definitely pulled me through with flying colors. I have no problem, minimal pain. I feel like a newborn, my new stomach wants its fluid every hour and I have no hunger. I am thirsty but the water just does not do it for me. I have only taken one pain pill since my discharge on Friday. I drink, walk, burp and walk. The Prevacid the doctor gave me helps greatly. I go back on Thursday to have my staples out. My incision looks wonderful there is no drainage, swelling and minimal bruising. Dr. Overcash and his nurse Madeline did an excellent job with me. They did their job and it is up to me to do my job to make this wonderful tool work. Dr. Overcash stated on Friday to me that I will do great and loose lots of weight. My blood sugar was 124 this morning and my blood pressure is down also. Praise God. I still tire after 6 to 8 hours but that is not bad. My DH has been a wonderful help. Amos family what can I say you are the best. I am still in awe that this was so easy for me. I am sore the tuff part is yet to come. But with God and the wonderful people here at AMOS I shall be a a wonderful looser)Pun) Love to all ((((hugs))) Gwen F
About Me
Winter Park, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 29, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Who is that person?
December 2001
