LHWILLIAMS 20 years, 9 months ago

TerriK, CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THE CENTURY CLUB!!!!!! I'd like to make a reservation for my arrival on New Year's Eve. Good Luck Lesa

maureen 20 years, 9 months ago

Terri WOW great weight loss and success you are having a great year keep up the great job hugs and God Bless maureen

Sharon Neva 20 years, 9 months ago

TERRI~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS~~ Dream what you want to dream...... Go where you want to go...... Be what you want to be because you have only one life and only one chance to do all the things you want to!! Please keep us posted on your progress. You are doing an awesome job. You are an inspiration to us all.~~WEIGH TO GO!

Christina S. 21 years, 7 months ago

Way to go Terri! This is a really big moment for you and i cant wait to be in your shoes! Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us pre-ops. God Bless and keep up the good work! - Chrissy in Ky

Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

TERRI~~ WOW ~~ CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS~~ Please keep us posted on your progress. You are doing an awesome job. You are and inspiration to us all.~~

Alice W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Terri~~~So glad to hear that today was a great day for you! Your recovery seems to be going very well. Hope every day from now on is a Great Day. Wishing you all the very best on the loosing side and may all your dreams come true!

terri K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Everybody!! Just another update from me. Today I actually felt somewhat normal. It's been 22 days since lap surgery. Had a very sharp pain in my right side on and off when I would move a certain way yesterday so I just took it easy. Today, I drove myself to the grocery store and drug store and was gone about 2 hours. When I came back I now have a new pain in my shoulders. Someone told me that the pain shifts around sometimes..who really knows?? Still have some side pain and stomach pain once in awhile. Did something when I got home I probably shouldn't have and that was eat icecream sherbert. It was on my doctors list but I think it had too much sugar. Started dry heaving..not good..first time for that. Still remain on mod. liquid diet which I'm getting sick of..trying to think of some new things to eat. Today, I bought spinach (in a can no less because it was a small can) and I was going to top it off with some ricotta cheese and tomato sausce but...the spinach was full of stems. Threw that out..should have bought frozen. Now I don't know what i'm in the mood for..HaHA!!!! Oh and by the way, if anyone remembers my post from yesterday....my sister came over and solved my tv/stereo problem. Here my father when he was over flipped a switch by the door that controls that wall (which I never use) and it had shut all power down. Thank God for Sisters, too!!!! Everyone have a nice nite and good luck to all going into to surgery and recent post opps like myself..It's a long road!!

terri K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Well I'm finally home for good after being at my parents since my release from the hospital on July 18th (surgery was July 15th). Needed to get home and take care of myself. Just that my bed is so high I found it quite difficult to get in and out of. But last night I did just fine. The pain on the left side where they made the biggest incision is somewhat better and I did get those staples out on Thursday. I still have spasms and some back pain and am slow getting started in the morning. Hey, but I'm no spring chicken. Don't believe a 49 year old women can bounce back as quickly as a 25-30 year old. Hehe!!! But I'm managing. Other than that I'm still having trouble trying to get that blasted capsule ursodiol into some food/drink 2 times a day. (doctor says it's so you won't develop gallstones as I still have my gallbladder) After 6 weeks will be able to swallow. I hope so!!!! Any way my doctor is on vacation for 2 weeks out in Michigan..so I don't dare screwup while he is gone..Is only advise was to call 911!!!How comforting..right??? One bad thing while I was at my mothers happened. It seems that the electrical storm we had here in so. jersey blew out my Sony TV, vcr, disc player, turn table and cassett player. Hopefully I can collect something from my homeowners..Always thought I should have had protection there but never did. Have a ups ? system on my computer,,which will shut it down off a battery back up..Oh well, things I guess could be worse. Well, I'm going to try to update my profile sometime today or this week. Thanks to all that have e-mailed me and signed my surgery pages. And by the way after 17 days at the docs office I was down 23lbs. Whoopee!!!!

terri K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Everyone..Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm home from my mothers and that surgery was 2 weeks ago tonite. Thank God for mothers, right?? Anyway, feeling pretty good and glad to be home. Going on Thursday to get the staples out. Had experienced some back/side pain yesterday but feel better today. I have lost approx. 23lbs in 2 weeks. Think I was starving myself. Have not had a problem with anything but those capsules they give you for gall stones that you have to empty into something and eat..Jello and tea seem to work the best. Also, warning about the percocets..made me want to crawel out of my skin and couldn't sleep some nights. Finally got a fex xanx from my family doc. Also, another crazy bad thing was I got my period right on time..right before surgery and I am still spotting now..hopefully this is from the drug the give you prior to surgery to stop blood clotting. Anyway, all is well, and I will get through this--have no regrets at this point except when a food commericail comes on I gotta flick. Hehe!!!!

LORRAINE K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Dear Terri~~~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! You and I are of the same vintage and to have WLS now assures us of the opportunity for a wonderful life to come. I just read your post. I am so glad that your surgery went well. Treat yourself gently and let us know how your progress. Be well, be happy, be blessed.
About Me
mt laurel, nj
Surgery Date
May 23, 2002
Member Since
