Tami D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Holly, CONGRADULATIONS on making it even one hour with out smoking. It is very hard to quit! Been there done that! Praise God that your dad has come through surgery well. I pray he continues to recover and do well. Tami

msschambers 21 years, 9 months ago

GOOD JOB HOLLY, If I can quit smoking anyone can!! I am 8 days smoke free andit does get easier.... everytime I want to smoke I just say "get behind me Satan, you are under my feet" then I ask the Lord to remove the craving from me and it's gone just that fast!!!!!!! You can do this......claim it in the name of the most High GOD

mari C. 21 years, 9 months ago

Holly I just read your post regarding your father. I'm sorry to hear about him. Gosh loosing both legs and at his age, what a terrible thing. I don't know where you are in terms of surgery, but his situation continues to propell me to have WLS. Take care, and I will hold you and your dad in my heart. Mari Seattle

charanewme 21 years, 9 months ago

Holly I'm praying your father will be Ok and have a save recovery.

Katherine M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Holly, I'm sorry to hear about your father. I just finished accompanying my mom on her long journey home (she had stroke); I have to say it was wonderful to spend time with her but it also helped me decided to have surgery. There's a great book that she actually read first that helped me a lot through this period--Another Country. Anyway, I'll keep you and your father in my prayers. My surgery is the same day as your consult; good luuck with it! Love, Katherine

Pam G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Holly. They say quitting smoking is just as hard as losing weight so I guess you really have your work cut out for you. You can do it girl! I will give up one of my prayers for you. (been saving them for an early October surgery date lol)

HOLLY P. 21 years, 9 months ago

8/27/02 well I'm waiting on my consultation date on 9/12 with Dr. Kelly...I cant wait....I plan on quitting smoking labor day weekend...wish me luck...I've been tryin to watch what I have been eating, this week and last isn't going to well...went out to eat 2x's ths weekend...I will be attending my 4 wk presurgical group in sept and also my 8 wk compulsinve eating group...I am getting so busy...I hope I can qualify and nothing happens... I am getting nervous as my date is getting closer to meet with dr. Kelly. it's going to be a reality shock when I finally do meet with him...then its the waiting game on insurance approval...ahhhh..

Disa G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Holly, I am so pleased to meet you. You were so kind to give me sound advice on my profile. It sounds like we are kinda at the same place in our quest for health. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing more about you. Take care Jean.

crysmauz 21 years, 9 months ago

Holly, You are TOTALLY doing the right thing!!! Imagine if you did not have this surgery - which is saving your life - what you and your daughter would be going through over the next few years. None of us are getting any younger - and with this condition (and the comorbidites that come along with it) you/we are drowning and sinking more every day. You are saving your life. You are ensuring that you will have a future with your daughter. As a parent, the focus shifts between ourselves and our children. Imagine your daughter's next few years if you were not to have this surgery. Would she have an active mom? Would you be able to keep up with her? You will regret not being able to do so many things with her if you are too large and uncomfortable to get around :( Keep fighting and don't give up! You deserve this new life and so does your daughter!! I assume your brother is scared and does not have all the facts. Chances of fatality during this surgery are miniscule (sp). Maybe you can send him some information that will help him understand exactly what will happen. If it doesn't help - then just know that you have nearly 95,000 supports right here (AMOS). Love, Crystal

Kathleen K. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Holly! I can relate to what you are going through. My "side" of the family is very supportive but my in-laws won't even talk about the surgery. My father-in-law was saying if you cut everything by 20% then you will lose weight and walking will also help. Well, I weigh 367 lbs. and I can bearly walk. This is not a quick fix to my weight problem. In fact, it is probably the greatest challenge you or I will face in our lives. It means a total commitment to changing the way we eat. It will give us our lives back and give us an opportunity to take an active part in the lives of our children and family. Don't let anyone tell you this is the easy way out. Congratulations on taking control of your life and having WLS. You can always depend on your AMOS friends to support you and guide you. Best of luck. Hugs and prayers.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 29, 2002
Member Since
