kylakae 20 years, 11 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Marcia! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Marica W. 23 years, 9 months ago

Sorry I forgot to post on 8/25. I weighed in at 222 which is another 11 pounds off! Today is 9/01 and I weigh in at 218. I haven't seen that weight since I had my daughter 15 years ago! I'm psyched! I bought some new clothes because the other ones were falling off of me and I'm in an 18 from a 26/28. This is the greatest thing that's happened to me in a long time. I had a few days of throwing up but I think I just didn't chew enough and take a small enough bite. Haven't done that in a week though so things are looking up! My energy is returning since I started on a chewable pre-natal vitamin and sometimes I can't get to sleep but when I finally do watch out....I don't wanna get up! I go back to the doctor on 9/21 and will try to remember to update then. Take care and if anyone has any questions feel free to email me!

Marica W. 23 years, 9 months ago

Marica W. 23 years, 10 months ago

Hi All! I'm one month post op and I now weigh 230. I haven't seen that weight in a decade! I'm really excited. I was kinda down because I felt I should be losing faster but I now know everyone loses at their own pace. I got my g-tube out last Friday (8/4) and lost two and a half pounds over the weekend! I bought a couple of new things only because my clothes are hanging on me. I have gone from a size 26-28 to 18-20 in stretch pants. I would never wear pants before because I didn't like what they looked like on. Anyway, I'm doing great and eating whatever I want. A couple of times I swallowed too big of a bite and it was uncomfortable but other than that I have been eating whatever I fix for dinner. I don't fry and I haven't had anything fried but I have had fig newtons and graham crackers and they don't bother me. I haven't had any beef other than a small amount of ground beef in spaghetti. I still drink my water daily but I don't think I drink enough. I need to do better and my walking is starting to pick up again. I was walking 3-5 miles a day prior to surgery and now I'm lucky to get in a mile. I blame it mostly on the heat. It's too hot to walk! My wonderful hubby walked with me last night about 9 p.m. and it was STILL hot. Oh well, sweating is good for you. If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I will post a new picture hopefully the first of next week. I'm going to visit my sis this weekend and she has a digital camera. Take care everyone and good luck in your journey and God bless!!

Donnie C. 23 years, 10 months ago

Sounds like you're doing well, thanks for the updates, I can't wait to join you on the other side.

Tim W. 23 years, 10 months ago

This is Tim again. Marica has been in touch with several of you via email, but it looks like I will post the updates... it has been 2 1/2 weeks since surgery. So far, she has dropped 10 lbs. She has been working full days at work (except on check-up days). She has been tired a lot (relishes naps now), and hates taking nutrition (ensure) in her g-tube. She longs for the day that it is removed. She is eating pureed food, some saltines, mashed potatoes, and boiled egg whites...all a little at a time. She still walks, only now about every other day and only a mile at a time (vs, the 3 miles everyday she was up to before surgery). The family has enjoyed some of her home cooked meals...though not as frequently. We are learning to enjoy them more. Next Tuesday we go to the monthly class/meeting her doctor holds. Several friends will be there (old and new) and we can't wait to share with them. Needless to say, she is still pleased. And we both are very fortunate with her continued progress and minimal discomfort. All I can say is that walking and losing weight before surgery must be keys to success (along with a good doctor-not to mention God's healing hands). Cheers to all.

spacetrace 23 years, 10 months ago

Hi Marica, I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well. Now on my best day I don't want to mow the lawn but you are quite the trooper.I wish you all the best with your new life. Hubby sounds like one of the most caring men on earth. The lord really has blessed the two of you.

Tim W. 23 years, 10 months ago

This is Tim, Marica's husband. It has been one week since her surgery. She continues to amaze us all with her progress. I nagged her about not posting an update... but she said she really wanted to go to her follow-up with Dr. Yasrebi before she said much... so she could be sure that everything was fine and not have to eat her words. On her return from the hospital the day after surgery, she was up every 2 hours walking around the house (dr's orders). Sometimes I could not get out of bed to make sure she was up, but she religiously followed through. I found her one time washing dishes, another she was loading the washing machine...the next the dryer. Where in the world she got all this energy I will never know. (4 days after surgery she walked down the block to talk to neighbors...yesterday while I was at work she got our son to crank the mower and she mowed the backyard...crazy woman. I am hiding the mower from her). (BTW- I am sure I will pay for that last comment, so everyone please be kind). Doctor says she can drive on Monday-10 days after her surgery date. So far she has not "overdone it" but I am watching her more closely now. She was eating fat-free pudding today...said she felt strangely full (ate about 4 small spoonfuls). Earlier she had a little jello, and has been straining soup. All very small portions. Tonight is the first night she has climbed back into bed. She has stayed on the couch as it was most comfortable for her (yes she has had some discomfort, it has not be pain-free, but much less than expected). She has had some bouts with gas pains, but it appears that this is normal, with her body getting used to the new internal plumbing. Walking helps a lot (in fact, walking seems to be the cure-all, she walks all the time). She weighed in today and has lost about 3 pounds. The day she returned home from the hospital, she had gained some. We were told this was normal due to all the fluids she was given on the day of the surgery. Funny, today the doctor asked if he had properly prepared us, and did everything meet out expectations. Marica said yes. I couldn't help but say my expectations were far exceeded. Good job, Marica! I am very proud of her in the whole process. She researched, she spent time talking to me explaining everything and soliciting my support before she started the process. She has pushed herself, but not beyond her limits, and she has made wonderful progress. I hope she will post her next update. I want her to share with everyone in her own words.

Shelia M. 23 years, 11 months ago

Marica! wow! what an inspiration and all praise to God for a wonderful surgeon and a swift hopspital thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your recovery. I go in July 20th, I can only hope and pray for a recovery as wonderful as yours...and we move! (just 4 blocks away!) on july 28th! pray for me! take care of yourself! S.

Claire L. 23 years, 11 months ago

Marica I have been paying too much attention to the horror stories. Your post was just what I needed to see today. Hope you continue with the ease and swiftness in your recovery. You are a beautiful woman and good things are happening for you.
About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2000
Member Since
