Surgery tomorrow

Aug 10, 2010

Tomorrow I have to go in and have a scope done to look for ulcers, stutures and to redo the opening to my pouch. I am not able to keep very many foods down specially meats so when I went to my 9 month checkup my doctor said I needed to have this other surgery done ASAP. Hopefully this will help so that I am able to eat other things besides yogurt or cheese, or soft foods.
I'm scared to have this one done because of all the complications I had from the anestesia when I had my Gastric Bypass done.  Oh well have to not think about that and press on and know that this is going to help me in the long run.

Any prayers would be greatly appriciated.

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Half way there

Jun 08, 2010

TO this day I have lost 125lbs!! that means I only have 125lbs to go until I'm at my goal weight!!! This has been an amazing journey and can't wait until I get to experience the rest!!!.........Just had to post my wow moment!!  I never thought I could lose this much weight in such a short period of time.  All I can say is im just following this journey... had a few set backs but am now back on track!!!

Starting weight 410 Current weight 285 Goal weight 160

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Fat Me

May 06, 2010

I started this journey weight 410lbs on May 9th will be my 6month Anniv. To this day (5/6/10) I have lost 113lbs which is amazing to me but I am starting to have some struggles:
Keeping old habits away is one but my other struggle is  I still see myself as the "fat me" no matter how many people tell me how good I look or how much I have changed....I still see myself as the fat girl weighing 410lbs I honeslty think that this is going to take a lon long long time for my perception of me to change.  I look at my comparission pictures almost daily I have one hanging up at my desk at work so I can see it, one on the fridge at home, and one in my car.....why do I have to have all these constant reminders around because I still see myself as the "fat me" I just can't get over it.
The last few days have been really bad with it. I seen an old friend the other day for the first time since May 2009 so that was 7 months before I had surgery. And he isnt one of the ones that was very happy about my decision to have WLS he thought I was fine the way I was, but when I seen him he couldn't even look at me hardley he says its because I don't even look like the person he has known for 9+ years. He says I look great but it is just so do I even respond to that......It honestly hurt my feelings.

I love this journey that I am on most days...some days I stop and think what the Hell did I do...but then I look back at all my good days and remember this is why.....

I guess today is just my day to vent and get my thoughts out


BMI changes

Apr 02, 2010

WOW i am now only consider Super Obese instead of Super Morbid Obese.  When I started this journey my BMI was 66 and now today my BMI is 50. Its amazing Hopefully I can get down to where I am in the normal range. Not sure if this is total possible or not but damn i can wish can't I?

Well I will keep on wishin.....

WOW MOMENT Feelin the burn

Mar 03, 2010

So today I can hardle move because I got side tracked and did 180 ball crunches!!   I am just amazed that I was able to do them and that I am able to keep up at the gym. and do anything that my Trainer asks me to.  Just a little wow moment for me!!  Have another meeting with the trainer tonight....shes going to kick my a$$ today,......Since I can hardley move or breathe without the burn/pain. LOL its all worth it!!
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Jan 27, 2010

This is something so small but I went in to have a meeting with my Manager this afternoon and I actually fit in the chair that he has in his office. and it was one of those that i sat down and was so squished or that i couldnt sit back. I actually could sit in the chair comfortably!!!! WOW that was the most amazing feeling I have had in a long time!!!!  Can't wait for more of the weight to come off!!! 
1 comment


Jan 27, 2010

I am heading to the gym tonight for the 3rd time since Sunday.....Its actually starting to be a routine.... Every night after work I head straight their.....its nice to look forward to working out my best friend is also going with me every night which helps.....
We set up 10 sessions with a personal trainer! My first session with her is on Saturday. that should be fun!!   Well bout 30 mins till I head off to the gym for another hour of speed on the treadmill is getting faster each night and the time is getting longer each night!!

Made it to mini goal

Jan 11, 2010

I have made it to my mini goal of 350lbs!!  It took me 2months and 2 days to make it to this goal.... I am so excited I can't remember the last time that I weighed that....   I am so looking forward to the up comming changes that are happening.


5 1/2 weeks post op!

Dec 16, 2009

I am 5 1/2 weeks post op and have lost a total of 40lbs!!  and those 40lbs are gone forever!!!   Looking foward to more weight to come off soon!!! 

9 days post-op

Nov 19, 2009

I am 9 days post op and i have lost 27lbs!!! Can't wait to shed more!!! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2009
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