
Mar 13, 2009

Hello everyone!
It has been a very loooong time since I have posted, but it has been so hectic. I am just so glad that we have Spring Break next week, but its a good thing cuz I have so many things to do for my daughters upcoming quinceanera.  Now that is something else, when I had surgery my daughter was just turning 13 and now we are planning her 15 birthday.  My middle girl was 7 and now she is about to turn 9 and my little boy is 5 all ready. God how time goes by.  It just goes by to fast. Ok an update.  I am down to 165 lbs. which is practically half of my weight cuz i was at 338 lbs. I feels sooooo goooood. I actually enjoy shopping now for clothes and shoes. No I haven't gone crazy buying things but I do enjoy it now.  Well, i gotta go. Hope to post soon.


Back again!

Apr 25, 2008

Hello to everyone!!! It has been so long since I have posted so here it goes.  I will be 10 months on May 17, 2008 meaning I just completed my 9 months a couple of days ago.  I have lost 132 pounds and it feels awesome. I should be honest I don't see it but everyone keeps telling me how good I look but i just don't see it. I'm not sure if I ever will.Gotta go I'll try to keep in touch more often.

December 7 Update

Dec 06, 2007

Hello, fellow loosers!
It has been almost 1 1/2 months since my last post. Just a few updates.  Well, it has almost been  5 months on Dec. 17 and I have lost 85 lbs. Woooooohooooo! I couldn't have done it without this tool.  I had really wanted to hit the 100 lbs. by X-mas, but I need to be realistic. I have been loosing about 2 lbs per week, but I am so grateful for those 2lbs. I'll try to update for frequently.


Oct 29, 2007

Hello everyone!
I'm a bit disappointed today. After having had surgery on July 17, 2007, yesterday, Monday, October 29, 2007 I got the urge to go walk.  I admit I had not been excercising, after having complications with an infection a week after they took out my staples, it just didn't feel right. Well, yesterday I got home, helped my 2nd grader with her homework and told them lets go, we are going to the park. It was going great! I had gone around the park 3 times in 15 minutes, which by the way would have been impossible at my previous weight of 338 lbs. Well, I had decided to go around one more time. Half way thru, I hear my 4 year old cry out. He will be 4 tomorrow on Halloween Day. I turn to see and he had fallen of the slide onto his back. My oldest daughter was trying to clean him up because of he had stickers all over his back. That was the least of my concerns. I have a wild imagination. So I'm worrying about his well being as far as what if he hurt his back, head, buttocks. I kept asking him questions, trying to keep him awake. You know how they say, keep them awake and see if they are responsive. Thank goodness, he was. Went home took him a shower, gave him some tylenol and had him rest on the couch. But I feel so guilty, it wouldn't have happened if we hadn't gone to the park.  I'm trying to get healthy and excercise but in the process my child got hurt. How do I get rid of the guilt?  I understand that they are children and that things will happen. If only I could make my brain understand that. I guess it's like they say "Tanto quiere uno a sus hijos hasta que les saca un ojo." 

I got my Ticker!

Oct 25, 2007


I was finally able to get my Ticker.  

3 months out

Oct 12, 2007

Ok, i now it's been almost 3 months since my last post, but it has been so busy. Well, I did have surgery July 17, 2007. Everything went well, eventhough I did have a lapse of depression while I was in the hospital. I kept thinking "Oh my God, what did I just do". During my 3 days at the hospital I didn't want visitors, I didn't want to see t.v. and I didn't want the shades open. When I finally got home I had to snap myself out of it because of my 3 kids. I told myself  "It's done so deal with it". I did however get an infection a week after they took out the stitches and I literally have an open wound for about a month. Everything is back to normal. I am trying to find new foods to eat since I am all ready in the regular foods. I'm proud to say that Oct. 17 will be my 3 month anniversary but I am already 62 pounds lighter and it feels GREAT. I can actually tie my shoes now. I gotta go. I try and post more often.

I have a date!

Jul 06, 2007

Well, I finally have a date, July 17, 2007.  There are so many mixed emotions. I want to jump for joy but at the same time second guessing myself, will this really work? My friend, Janie, had hers done on July 3rd and is doing so well. I think that is what is encouraging me to move forward, she is so brave. Just like all the individuals that have had the gastric. Are all these feelings normal? Today I went to pre-register for the IVC filter procedure that the Doctor will be performing on me on Tuesday, July 10th and then for the actual gastric bypass on July 17th. It took forever, I got there at 8:30a.m. and didn't get out until 12:45p.m. I remained calm. Any word of wisdom?

Good news!

Jun 29, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007
I went in to have the procedure done at the hospital and thank goodness the doctor didn't find any blockage in any of my arteries. I must admit that I wouldn't not like to go thru that ever again. Now, I have an appointment with my regular doctor on Monday, from there I will go talk to Laura, to make sure everything is cleared and then I have to wait for a date. I'm hoping that it will be the week of July 9th, eventhough July 10 is my oldest daughters birthday. It'll just depend what date they give me, if it's during her birthday we'll celebrate before. I'm so ecstatic that everything went ok and that i'll be able to have surgery. Especially after what happened yesterday. I went shopping because we have a wedding today and I could not find anything that fits, well I did find a skirt and blouse but I looked horrible in them, but I'm sure everyone reading this know how that feels. It was depressing, I told my husband, if everything goes right and it will. I won't have this problem for very long, it's just so exciting. I can't wait until I am able to go into a any store and find any dress size, because right now I can only go in 2 stores and even those stores sometimes they don't have my size, at this point it's like a 28,30, that is so depressing. I had never gone over a 26. I'm also looking forward to having more energy to go and play with my kids and do all the fun things that as of right now I can't do because of my weight. Well, I have to go I keep posting.


Jun 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007
Well, bad knews, the cardiologist didn't clear me. According to the results, it seems that I might have a blockage on one of my arteries because one of the exams came back abnormal. Therefore, I have to go into the hospital on Thursday so that they can do a catherization. If there is blockage and they have to put a stent, the cardiologist won't allow me to have the wls for upto 6 months after. At this point, wls is coming in 2nd, eventhough i must admit that it was disheartening. I'm praying to God that for my family's sake that everything will be ok. It totally caught me of guard and I think even the cardiologist was taken aback, because my blood pressure is very good as well as my cholesterol and I really don't have anyone in my family with heart problems.  Has anyone gone thru something like this? It's frightening to think that there may be something wrong with my heart.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jun 24, 2007

Well, tomorrow is the big day. I will finally find out whether I am clear for surgery or not. When I first started going thru all the medical exams I thought, "This will be a breeze, I have never had cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes." The only medical problem was the heel spurs on my feet. Physically, my feet, my back were feeling the pressure of all the extra weight. Well, I went to my regular doctor, they did an EKG and guess? It came back abnormal, so here I go with the Cardiologist, where they had to do another EKG, which showed that the left side of my heart was showing it was enlarged, he said not to worry, yeah right. Anyway, they ran some other tests, and tomorrow I will find out. After that I go back to Dr. Camacho/Dr. Reyes to drop of all the clearance papers and hopefully get a surgery date. I'm hoping to have it either July 3rd or July 5th. I feel like I'm trying to beat the clock because I go back to work on August 1 and I am wanting to have at least 4 good weeks to recuperate and adjust to the different eating habits. How long does it take to recuperate? Or does it differ from person to person? Can anyone give me feedback? 

About Me
Penitas, TX
Jun 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 10
Back again!
December 7 Update
I got my Ticker!
3 months out
I have a date!
Good news!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
