
Where do I begin?  Like many people traveling down this path, I have been overweight since my childhood.  I was active in my teenage years playing softball which I loved.  But, my other love was food and it eventually took the place of Softball and replaced my active sport with an inactive "sport".

I am a single woman but I am surrounded by a large family who I love very much.  But, we are large in more than just numbers.  Every holiday, special occasion, or just family get-together was developed around food.  We always made too much food and ate too much food.  While I know I could change my lifestyle and diet or exercise more, unfortunately, it's in my genetics to be overweight.   So, it always seemed like I was taking one step forward and two steps back.  My Grandfather, Uncles, Mother, and Sisters were/are overweight and suffered from many obesity-related disorders.  I watched my Mother battle diabetes and many of it's complications.  The last 3 years of her life was spent with a walker and in a wheelchair because of a broken ankle that couldn't be fixed due to Diabetes.  She had a triple bypass and stents in her heart.  She eventually was able to have the RNY surgery that she so desparately wanted.  However, 5 months later, she passed away unexpectedly from a massive infection in the stomach area.  While the small town doctors said they didn't feel it was the RNY surgery, I have my doubts.  Through it all, she was my hero.  Her favorite saying to me was "Don't Worry...Be Happy. "  She knew I hated to hear her sing.  But, oh how I wish I could hear her sing now.  She was my inspiration and the reason I kept on this journey but just chose a different path.   I believe she is now my Angel who is guiding me along the way.

At the time of Mom's death, I was 3 months into my required 6 month doctor visit in order to have RNY surgery.  I truly believe everything happens for a reason and her death made me re-think the path I was taking.  I wasn't so sure I wanted to risk infection or complications from having my insides re-routed.  Plus, I didn't want my family to have to worry about anything happening to me.   Don't get me wrong, i know that it works for some.  I have a Sister who had RNY four years ago and she has done pretty well.  She struggles a little now as she has since had a baby and it is harder to lose the weight this far out.  But, I'd love to be at her current weight.    She has truly been an inspiration to me and I see how much her life has changed since losing the weight.  She has met the love of her life who, as it turns out, had the RNY surgery as well.   I can only hope that I will be as lucky.  Until then, I will continue to enjoy my wonderful family and my 14 nieces and nephews whom I love to spoil rotten.  It is partially for all of them that I am doing this. 


December 2006---I have Aetna HMO insurance so I started the 6 month required dr visit.  I was lucky to have the same doctor that supported my Sister and Mom.  He is the best and has encouraged me so much along the way.  While 6 months sounds like a long time, it really went faster than I expected.  I lost 36 lbs along the way as well so that was good.

May 2007---  I finished my 6 monthly visits...Woo hoo... On 5/17/07,  I went to a seminar with Dr Robert Snow in Hurst Texas.  He performed surgery on two of my co-workers so he came highly recommended.  After the seminar, i could see why.   He is very knowledgeable and so friendly and easy going.  He stayed after the seminar for almost two hours just to answer questions and talk to each of us individually if we wanted to. I  felt  led to choose him as my surgeon and I definitely think I am in capable hands.

7/3/07-- I had my consulatation with Dr Snow.  He and his staff are very friendly and provided me with a lot of documentation to help answer my questions.

7/13/07--All of my paperwork was turned in to Aetna.  This included a letter from my PCP with his recommendation of surgery, medical chart documentation showing weight at each of the 6 visits, records showing my weight at least one time for each of the last 5 years, and my own letter, medicine list, and pictures of myself at various ages/weight and my family group photo showing that obesity runs in the family.  (My apologies to my family for using them )....The wait begins.....

7/26/07-Just 9 business days after turning in the paperwork, I got the call that I was approved by Aetna.....  Woo hoo......

8/28/07---My Surgery date---I'm very excited and nervous at the same time.  I'm using this month to get the pre-op tests done and to get as much studying and inspiration as I can from this great message board.  I have cut and pasted so much information that I will be busy after surgery just organizing it all and reading it again and again and again.

About Me
Kennedale, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 5
Post Op Check Up
I'm struggling....
3 days post op
6 more days
